Yuletide flicks for holiday kicks

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A whole month of awful traffic, gifts that will most likely be recycled as new gifts, and the sweet guarantee of gaining a few extra pounds. Though, Christmas shouldn’t be too depressing. All you have to do is watch these movies so you can feel the warmth of the holidays any time of the year. While the ones we selected are by no means official (nor should they be) these three films are our alternative Christmas films. So put away your It’s a Wonderful Life and for the love of all that is holy, smash that copy of Jingle All The Way, and watch these Cruz brothers Christmas classics!

Batman Returns (1992)

There’s nothing better than Batman on Christmas. While we know it’s not really a Christmas movie, seeing the Dark Knight saving Christ’s birthday from Danny DeVito is something you just can’t unsee. Batman Returns centers on Oswald Cobblepot (aka The Penguin) running for Mayor of Gotham City while framing Batman for murder. Also lurking around the corner is the mysterious Catwoman played by Michelle Pfeiffer — or is that the other way around? You have to give it to Tim Burton for putting in so much crazy into his final Batman film. Batman and Catwoman kissing under the mistletoe? Check. Batman battling penguins with missiles? Check. Christopher Walken? Double check! While you can argue that Batman Returns is not the greatest Batman movie, it’s still a lot better than A Nightmare Before Christmas. BOOM!

Home Alone (1990)

What happens when you’re eight years old and you get left by your entire family during the busiest time of the year? If you say Home Alone, then by god, you are absolutely right! The legendary John Hughes directed the movie that brought Macaulay Culkin to stardom — or something vaguely similar to it. As if you didn’t already know, Home Alone is about Kevin McCallister’s crazy antics as he gets left home alone and defends his house against the wet bandits, played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. From hot door knobs to paint cans hitting faces, prepare to laugh throughout the movie, thanks to the exceptional acting of Pesci and Stern. While the comedy in Home Alone can be sometimes dated, the movie still remains the best blueprint to keep unwanted Christmas visitors/relatives away.

Elf (2003)

Will Ferrell in Christmas tights. What more could you ask for? A blonde and pre-hipster Zooey Deschanel? That’s here too! By far one of the best Will Ferrell movies ever, Elf tells the story a stowaway human baby in Santa’s sleigh who ends up in the North Pole and is raised by elves. Buddy (Will Ferrell), after growing up thinking he’s an elf, discovers that he’s actually human and that his biological father (James Caan) is on Santa’s naughty list. From there, Ferrell takes the plot and runs away with it with quotable line after quotable line. You might even see a Game of Thrones favorite in this movie beating the crap out of Ferrell, Marquez-style. Too soon? Too soon. Anyway, don’t be a cotton-headed ninnymuggins and watch this classic Christmas comedy!

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What are your favorite Christmas movies growing up? Send us your picks at jiggyandjonty@gmail.com.


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