Double the Semerad, double the fun

After taking a year long hiatus from basketball, the Semerad twins are more than ready to return to the sport they love the most. Photos by JO-ANN BITAGCOL

MANILA, Philippines - Surprisingly, the Czech-Filipino twins known for their basketball stint with Beda left the court this past year. Instead of basketball, the boys have been putting their energy into endorsements, TV appearances, and modeling. But after expressing dedication for the game in their interview with Young Star last year, one can’t help but wonder: So what happened?

As it turns out, the boys’ basketball spirit has been here all along. Although they haven’t been visible on the court, not once did they forget their love for the sport. Now more than ever, they’re feeling determined, and it’s that determination that’s been fueling them to up their game with greater intensity. It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if the Semerads catch us all off-guard with a stellar comeback (of course, we keep our fingers crossed for that). Although, even without basketball, we’re glad that these eye-catching twins kept busy with other things this year. They never really left our sights.

Like Kel to his orange soda, the boys just can’t be who they are without the game. They’re the perfect match. Before plunging into 2013 and a new season ahead, David and Anthony Semerad first take a step back to talk about the past year, their current project, and finally explaining why in the world they left the basketball spotlight, in a Young Star exclusive.

YOUNG STAR: Hi, guys.

DAVID SEMERAD: Hello. (Laughs) Kamusta?

You guys know how to speak Tagalog now?

ANTHONY SEMERAD: Konti lang. Just a little bit. (Laughs)

You guys did an interview with Young Star last year. Do you guys remember? “The Semerad Sandwich.”

BOTH: Oh, yeah!

So it’s been almost a year since. How has it been since then for you guys?

DAVID: With basketball, it’s been quiet because we took the season off.

ANTHONY: But with the creative side, we’ve been modeling and everything. Concentrating on our Tagalog lessons and hosting lessons and whatnot. Just, you know, to prepare us for the future. So since we’re not playing basketball, why sit down and do nothing, when we could so something to help us, you know what I mean?

So does that mean you guys have finally adjusted to living in the Philippines?

(They look at each other)

ANTHONY: Ano? (Laughs) I don’t know how to explain it. You do it.

DAVID: So how have we adjusted...? Um, I guess meeting new people, getting new friends, I guess it makes it more comfortable to live here. When we first came, we didn’t know anyone, really.

ANTHONY: It wasn’t hard (adjusting to Manila), it was okay lang. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Do you guys think you’ve changed a lot since our last interview in September?

DAVID: Well, taking this year off basketball, 10 months, has fully changed us. We’re on another level. Getting out there, it definitely helped us grow as individuals.

ANTHONY: Our confidence level has changed. Definitely, confidence is one. We’ve got more experience in everything. It’s totally different now.

Okay, so going back to basketball, you guys said you took 10 months off. The news said that from San Beda, you guys became Blue Eagles; but now people are saying San Beda again. So what’s the real story? Lay it out for us.

DAVID: Secret!

ANTHONY: (Laughs)

Aww, come on…

ANTHONY: Just tell them a little bit.

Yeah, just a little bit.

DAVID: Well, basically, what happened was, after the season last year, we did leave straight to Ateneo and then I was training for them for about five months playing Team B.

Just you, David?

ANTHONY: I was injured. I just got my surgery last year.

Why did you have surgery?

ANTHONY: Well, when I was training in the States, I nearly tore my Achilles tendon, but it wasn’t a full tear. It was just tendonitis and a lot of repair and whatnot. So I kept on training last season, and I guess I hurt it more. And then it calcified around bone and then I had to get it (the calcification) removed so I could play 100 percent again.

So you’ll be playing next season?

ANTHONY: I’ll be playing next season. I’ll be a better me. A new player. (Laughs)

DAVID: So, yeah, he (Anthony) trained a bit but he couldn’t go full on. So I was playing Team B with them (Ateneo), then when it came to enrollment, we were told we had to start first year again.

ANTHONY:  But we were fourth year na in San Beda, so, sayang.

DAVID: We didn’t want to start again. We didn’t burn any bridges. They said, “It’s up to you.” So we went back to San Beda with coach Ronnie Magsanoc and with the new coach. So, we’re excited to be playing next season with San Beda.

So, okay. You guys are back with San Beda.

ANTHONY: Yeah. We’re with San Beda now, we just haven’t said it out yet.

So what is it for you guys? Is it more modeling than basketball now?

ANTHONY: It’s definitely…

BOTH: Basketball!

DAVID: Basketball is what’s going to help us to get in the modeling side and the endorsement side, but the reason why we did more modeling was because we had so much time. We didn’t have much to do and we just squeezed in as much as we could because we’ll be training very soon so we’re going to be busy with basketball again.

ANTHONY: We’re definitely basketball players.

Okay, that’s clear now. Congrats on all your endorsements this past year, by the way, especially your most recent one. Sony Xperia, right?

BOTH: Thank you.

So what about Xperia made you guys go for it?

ANTHONY: Well, it’s Sony. You hear about it everywhere. So when I heard about it, I was like, wow, that sounds good. I wouldn’t mind.

James Bond uses it, too. Some of his gadgets in Skyfall were Sony.

DAVID: So, yeah, there you go! James Bond trusts it.

ANTHONY: James Bond trusts it; Anthony and David trust it. (Laughs)

DAVID: And we’ve got a little bit of a James Bond right here (motions to Anthony).

So what does your phone have to have?

ANTHONY: My phone has to have all those social networking sites and whatnot. I can be in the bedroom and I’ll tweet my brother, “Let’s go eat!” I don’t have to walk to the (other) room.

DAVID: The Sony Smart Watch (the accessory to the Xperia). The notification just pops up straight on the watch. When you get a message, you get tempted in class to check your phone.

ANTHONY: But then you can’t pull it (the phone) out, so you got the watch! It looks like you’re looking at the time right? But then you can just scan to see what messages you get without touching your phone. So that’s really cool.

So, during class? Is that how you guys plan to use the smart watch?

ANTHONY: It’s effective! (Laughs)

I heard it also has a fake-a-call feature. You could use it for a bad date bailout call.

DAVID: Use it whichever way you want. (Laughs) It’s like a regular watch.

Like you guys are playing basketball, then, “Man, I gotta check Twitter on my watch.”

(Both laugh)

So enough about that. Basketball, modeling, maybe acting? So what else is in the future for you guys?

DAVID: Well, right now we’re concentrating on college. We want to graduate. Basketball, too. But definitely the doors are open there. We’re definitely going to take the opportunity.

You guys want to go into the PBA?

BOTH: Definitely.

But then you two are really close, right? What if you guys get separated and drafted into different teams?

DAVID: We’ll find a way.

ANTHONY: We’re going to find a way to get back onto the same team. (Laughs)

When you guys are in different teams, maybe you can tweet each other with the watch during games.

DAVID: Yeah! (Laughs)

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