What to do when a flood gets to you

MANILA, Philippines - Floods are a lot like reality television: terrible but inescapable.

If this week’s cloud pattern is any indication, the rain won’t be letting up any time soon. You know what they say: when it rains, it pours. And here in the Philippines, the floods can get just as bad as a six-hour marathon of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.


Disconnect your car’s battery to avoid the computer box from getting short-circuited. Don’t turn on the ignition if your car’s electrical system has been submerged in floodwater.


If electronic equipment such as mobile phones or MP3 players get soaked, you can make use of uncooked rice (as in, bigas) as a moisture absorbent, much like silica gel packets. Bury the gadget in rice for an extended period of time depending on the size of the gadget and floodwater damage.


Care for your waterlogged books by putting paper towels between pages and situating them in a place with good air circulation. Placing your beloved tomes directly in front of a fan or stretching them out will only do more harm than help.

The Rest Of Your Stuff

Avoid using hair dryers to salvage your soaked items. Subjecting your belongings to direct heat will only accelerate mold growth.


If you must walk in floodwater, make sure to walk where the water is not moving. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground ahead of you.

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