For future reference

MANILA, Philippines - An article by Antoinette Jadaone that came out in The Philippine Star’s Supreme section last June 30 entitled “To the twentysomething who wants to change the world” was passed around by my fellow fresh grads on a Saturday morning. The author constructed an open letter addressing the kids of batch 2012 whose idealistic feet have still yet to touch the ground. As an ex-fresh grad, she chronicled the stages of the ‘real world’ saying that our Utopic dreams in the coming years may not necessarily play out as planned. But despite the possible endless wading in the pool of disappointment, she hopes that our passions continue to burn and that we never keep our eyes off of the main prize: our career pursuits.

So while the fire in our fresh grad hearts are still crackling, it’s good to write all of our job aspirations down before we forget them somewhere down the line. Maybe when the times comes when we’re way too grounded by realism, we can look back on the words that we wrote today and somehow kickstart the career flame.

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Mon Buela

De La Salle University

Course: BS Marketing Management

Current Position: Post-grad

Ultimate Dream Job: An international marketing executive of a famous manufacturing company

Why: I describe my ultimate dream job as something that would require marketing and travel. It would be fun to be one of the first people to know what has been cooking in the R&D labs, right? Likewise, I want to someday introduce a product that will make people’s jaws drop and likewise get the competitors’ mouths to pout. The “international” part will enter when I’m called to formulate a campaign overseas, because, I don’t know, maybe I’m just that good? Right now, I’m a marketing graduate, but I hope that someday that’ll change soon.

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Joey Arevalo


Course: BS Nursing

Current Position: Online shop owner

Ultimate Dream Job: Fashion stylist

Why: My ultimate dream job is not at all aligned with my course. I’ve been interested in fashion ever since I was a kid and that passion just eventually flourished when I was in college. Playing dress-up and posing in front of the camera was only just for fun until I put up my own online clothing shop last summer 2011 and fortunately, my business is still doing well. I pursued having an online shop even though I’m studying to become a nurse because it was the only way for me to exercise my fashion styling capabilities. It just goes to show that reaching your dream job isn’t impossible if you have a burning passion for it.

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Marian Trespesses

University of the Philippines

Course: BS Economics

Current Position: Procurement analyst trainee

Ultimate Dream Job: Business owner

Why: Running a business is a challenging yet ideal job for me. Right now, by being exposed in the corporate world in my current job, I hope to learn the essential business knowhow and develop the skills I need in the event that I may start a business. The beauty I see behind managing a business is pushing oneself to think outside the box and to fully commit to one’s gut feeling. This wouldn’t be easy if done entirely alone, so I hope to partner either with trusted contacts or relatives. I believe my I can make the most out of my degree in achieving this dream by applying market theories to the actual business environment.

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Tin Gamponia

University of Santo Tomas

Course: BS Biology

Current Position: Med student

Ultimate Dream Job: To be a doctor

Why: To become bona fide physician, I’d have to surpass medical school, clerkship, internship, the boards, residency, and a whole lot more training. Despite knowing what I really want, I’ve been through an uncertainty phase thinking twice about getting myself into this world, but I’ve learned to love it through my family. To be a successful physician is indeed the dream job, but one can never equate the excruciatingly long and winding process as “living the dream.” Even if I know that the road isn’t going to be easy as cake, I still continue to overcome these challenges because overcoming them will fuel my dream profession.

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Fiona Gali

University of the Philippines

Course: BS Education

Current Position: Grade 2 teacher

Ultimate Dream Job: To own my own school

Why:  I’ve never really seen myself teaching ABCs and 123s. I honestly never crossed my mind, but I ended up graduating from an Education course in the University of the Philippines. After graduating, I landed in a teaching position at an exclusive private school for boys teaching elementary education. In those four years in my college life, I grew up building my future dream job; to teach in my own school. Teaching has now become my passion, and that passion is slowly building my dream future. I’ll keep holding on to that passion, and to that future that I’ll hope I will eventually achieve.

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Angela cabungcal

University of Santo Tomas

Course: BS Elementary Education Major in Special Education

Current Position: Special education teacher

Ultimate Dream Job: To be an administrator of my own special education center

Why: In the future, I want to own a center that will cater to children with special needs, a place where they are being taken C.A.R.E. of, meaning our learning environment will be highlighted with Compassion, Acceptance, Respect and Empathy. As an advocate of Special Education I believe that we should look beyond the disabilities of a person and focus on their abilities. Since my college days I had been teaching children with special needs, it was certainly challenging but very fulfilling as well. I still have a lot to learn before I can really achieve my ultimate dream job but I’m in no rush. 

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Alex Concepcion  

Ateneo de Manila University

Course: AB Psychology

Current Position: Staff assistant (Finance Department) in a car rental service company

Ultimate Dream Job: Covering sports in a TV network as a producer or a director

Why: I absolutely love immersing myself in anything sports related so having a job that deals with sports all day is a dream. The stresses of the job probably include religiously watching sports, reading sports news, researching and sharing what I’ve learned to the viewing public, but they’re stresses I’m more than happy to accept. Unfortunately, as a graduate of AB Psychology, my course is not a complete fit for such a job. Despite the challenges ahead of me though, I’d gladly work hard and sacrifice a lot to make my sports dream a reality.                 

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Jan Bueno

De La Salle University

Course: BS Business Management

Current Position: Post grad

Ultimate Dream Job: A consultant for a multinational corporation.

Why: Fresh out of college, my ultimate dream job would be a consultant for a multinational corporation. This is my dream job because it enables me to travel around the world, experience new cultures and meet different kinds of people. Having a work perk of travelling is a definitely something that I hope I can find in my future job. A plus side of being a consultant for a multinational company is not only do I receive a lot of perks, I also get to cash in on a hefty paycheck so it’s a solid package deal. Being a graduate of Business Management my course perfectly aligns with the dream job I want. Even if I know it’s a long way to go before I fulfill my dream, it doesn’t hurt to hope. Right now, I’m more focused on finally finding a job .

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Janrey Rivera

Ateneo de Manila University

Course: BS Management and Economics

Current Position: Post grad

Ultimate Dream Job: Chef/Househusband

Why: I just graduated in March 2012 in Ateneo with a course that is not in any way aligned with my passion for cooking. Ever since I was a child, watching my mother cook gave me aspirations of one day becoming a great chef. But back then, due to financial and economic considerations, a major in Economics seemed like a more practical and lucrative path. 

During all my spare time, I practice becoming a good husband to my future wife by cooking. Although my dreams of becoming a chef seems to be unlikely, I surely hope that I can instead become a really great “houseband” by sparing my future wife’s work time by taking charge in the kitchen.

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Vinci Beltran

University of the Philippines

Course: BA Speech Communication

Current Position: Freelance marketer, speech instructor

Ultimate Dream Job: To have my own arts school

Why: I would be the happiest person I can be if I could be able to do both business and arts; that’s why my ultimate dream is to have my own arts school. My inspiration is my course in college, where I enjoyed my classes in children’s literature, directed speech activities, organizational communication, and theatre arts. This is my ultimate dream because I am very passionate about the arts, especially performing. Another important reason of wanting to open my own art school is the idea of earning a living while doing what I definitely love. The best part of my dream job would be seeing the teachers of my academy passing on their knowledge to our deserving students.

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