The guilty ones

MANILA, Philippines - There’s just a certain sense of gratification that comes from indulging in a secret delight that only you, yourself can reconcile with. While some linger on a mild chocolate obsession and others zoom past the healthy scale (we’re looking at you, featured folks of My Secret Obsession), the comforting truth is that everyone has a happy habit — so what’s the shame in sharing them?

Well, for one thing, there’s the fear of rejection, but that’s more part of life than anything else. In an interview with Details magazine, actor Elijah Wood admits to being an unlikely fan of reality show The Biggest Loser and says, “I don’t necessarily believe in the idea of a guilty pleasure, because if you dig something, you dig it, whether it’s socially acceptable or not.” Even No Reservations host and globetrotting gourmet Anthony Bourdain willfully admits to a simple KFC Mac and Cheese obsession. So while some people would much rather keep their guilty pleasures to themselves, these next few folks are taking their cue from these celebrities and airing out their precious personal preferences out of the shadows and into the prying eyes of the public.

Paulo de la Paz, 22

What is your guilty pleasure?

Michael Bay movies.

The guilty factor is...

I usually appreciate movies for their style, arrangement, meanings etc. However, Michael Bay movies lack the essentials. His films go something like, “Opening pop song, boobs, scientifically inaccurate scene, boobs, explosion, the cast walking in slow motion, and a pop song to go with the fade-out.” He often packs in so many things, mostly explosions, in one segment that it turns into chaos.

I shrug off the guilt because...

Despite all of these, I have to admit that it can be enjoyable sometimes. It’s nice just sitting back and taking it as it is. One does not think during a Michael Bay film. It’s like having a big, fat, oily, burger and a cigarette after something stressful. It may be nice, but you will feel dirty afterwards.

Claire Ramos, 24

What is your guilty pleasure?

Desserts! Particularly cake is my guilty pleasure.

The guilty factor is...

Being a medical student, it’s been a habit of mine to reward myself every weekend with a sweet treat. Add to the fact that my mother and grandmother are both bakers, cakes become both a perk and a source of guilt since I fail to notice how much unnecessary carbs I pack on.

I shrug off the guilt because…

Eating dessert is comforting and having a slice of cake after hell week is my security blanket. My attachment to sweet treats helps me relax.

Cassandra Santos, 21

What is your guilty pleasure?

Carly Rae Jepsen’s Call Me Maybe.

The guilty factor is...

I’m not a big fan of mainstream and pop music so it’s not a surprise that I hated the song Call Me Maybe the first time I listened to it. This song definitely runs at odds with my musical preference. It’s the quintessential pop song that definitely doesn’t belong anywhere near my playlist.

I shrug off the guilt because...

One day my little sister was playing Call Me Maybe on repeat and the track is so damn infectious that loving the pop song is absolutely inevitable. From that day on, I felt like I couldn’t live a day without playing it in my iPod. It’s definitely an essential part of my life nowadays.

Mig Sevilla, 22

What is your guilty pleasure?

The habit of eating Nutella from a spoon.

The guilty factor is...

Nutella is shared item in the house so my habit of double dipping with the spoon in the jar is pretty gross for everyone else who unknowingly spreads the Nutella on their morning bread.

I shrug off the guilt because...

This habit started out when I was hungry one night, but we didn’t have bread so I decided to just spoon it. So even if it’s pretty gross, I still end up with the Nutella jar in one hand and a spoon in the other.

Ysobel Pareja, 20

What is your guilty pleasure?

Ebi (shrimp) tempura is absolutely one of my favorite dishes in the world.

The guilty factor is...

It’s not that I over-indulge in eating tempura. The problem lies in the fact that I’m extremely allergic to shrimp. I found out I was allergic to them when I was 10 years old and I was rushed to the hospital because my eyes were red and my throat started to close up. It took three days for the symptoms to appear then, but the effects are more immediate now, making it a really dangerous guilty pleasure.

I shrug off the guilt because...

Even if my parents tell me to avoid eating shrimp for fear of getting an extreme allergic reaction, I still eat it anyway. I just have to be smart in taking meds after eating it.

Jade Sison, 21

What is your guilty pleasure?

The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppola. I loved the trilogy, but the first movie is my absolute favorite.

The guilty factor is...

I’ve always been attracted to anything that has to deal with anything retro, vintage and antique. As a marketer, it’s in my trade to always look for something new, not to revel in the past.

I shrug off the guilt because...

Even if I do have this obligation to be updated in my job, I somehow always try to search for materials that would satisfy the oldie in me. Although given that it is a crime film, the setting of this film just makes it in my top 10 movie list. This trilogy was recommended by my dad who is much more consumed with action and crime films and I’m happy that he suggested it to me in the first place.

Daryl Baybado, 16

What is your guilty pleasure?

My addiction to watching the 1980 film, Cannibal Holocaust.

The guilty factor is...

I was 10 years old when I first read about the peculiarity and unorthodox idea of cannibalism. Whenever my knowledge expanded about people who eat human flesh, it gets more exciting. Not exactly the normal fascination for a kid.

I shrug off the guilt because...

After discovering the disturbing visuals of the movie Cannibal Holocaust, I got hooked on it. Even years after, my fascination with it slowly grew every time I watched it. It’s just one of the most surreal horror movies that I’ve ever encountered. It’s a true gore-fest. And the tribe lady on the stick? Impalement at its finest.

Koji Arsua, 23

What is your guilty pleasure?

My endless fascination with Kris Aquino.

The guilty factor is...

I’ve never been a follower of showbiz, but she is a true guilty pleasure, my obsession, and I have religiously followed her life from her breakups, makeups, shakeups and f*ck ups but who couldn’t?”

I shrug off the guilt because...

She has revealed every inch of herself, a sordid Wikipedia page ready to be lapped up by the hungry public. But I feel there is so much more to Kris than meets the eye, my favorite being her English literature degree from Ateneo. She’s my ideal dinner date where she’d tell me my hair looks like shit but she enjoyed my Truman Capote recommendation. You either love Kris Aquino or hate her, but either way, you’re drawn into the orbit of this pop culture phenomenon of a woman.

Tin Valeza, 15

What is your guilty pleasure?

Watching a regular dose of the original animated versions of Disney films such as Snow White, Cinderella, etc. before I fall asleep.

The guilty factor is...

I’m already 15 years old and I’m supposed to be past my Disney phase by now, but I still can’t help but believe in happy endings. I end up believing that I’m a still like those Disney princesses, like I’m supposed to wait for my prince. I never seemed to mature from that idea.

I shrug off the guilt because...

Even if I was trapped into believe that happy ending do exist based on these films, I still enjoy watching them. Whenever the princess finds her prince (or the prince finds her), I can’t help but share in their happiness.

Tiffany Uy, 18

What is your guilty pleasure?

My complete color collection of highlighters and fine point Stabilo pens. Buying school supplies in general.

The guilty factor is...

I’m a shopaholic when it comes to buying school supplies, and I can’t help myself when I see a new Stabilo pen in a new color or when my older pens get a teensy bit lighter in color. I feel guilty when I keep buying school supplies incessantly even if I don’t need it.

I shrug off the guilt because...

It feels so good to peel off the price sticker and use a new pen and see them all lined up on my table when I doodle. Plus, I enjoy showing off my complete collection to my friends. This obsession started all the way back in kindergarten with my Disney princess pencil case. It was all the rage back then and I felt so awesome.

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