Don't be a drag, just be a (controversy) queen

MANILA, Philippines - More than just courting controversy, Lady Gaga has a knack for seducing it—Biblical references in her lyrics, vulgar costumes and the gospel of Gaga as the creed of her little monsters. Her bravado has always had a polarizing quality, but her clout is strong enough to withstand it. Here are some of the issues she’s had to endure throughout her career. It’s only been roughly three years—maybe you could give the lady a break. — Karen Bolilia

Ready for those flashing lights

Gaga’s career has been plotted and immortalized largely because of what she wears, as her costumes are as much of a statement as her lyrics. In a MTV Video Music Awards appearance in 2010, she arrived wearing a Franc Fernandez-designed outfit made out of dead animal flesh. The next year, she comes as a guy named Jo Calderone.

No, you can’t read her poker face

While all her videos consistently stirred up their own noise, two of them stood on top of the collective consciousness the most: Alejandro and Judas. Scenes from Alejandro feature her swallowing rosary beads while in a nun’s robe; and in Judas she proclaims her love for the traitor who traded Jesus for a few silver coins.

Caught in a bad romance

 She couldn’t just dance in and out of the Asian stops of her “Born This Way” tour. It first started in Korea, where her concert had an age limit of 18 and above. In Manila, anti-Lady Gaga protesters tried to stop Mother Monster’s two-day leg. Indonesia, meanwhile, is crying foul, too, over the pop star. To which she tweeted, “And don’t worry, if I get thrown in jail in Manila, Beyonce will just bail me out. Sold out night 2 in the Philippines. I love it here!”

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