We heart Boston

Boston’s got brains: Mark Zuckerberg concieved Facebook while in Harvard, and even Elle Woods took Bruiser with her to take her law degree in the ivy league.

It hasn’t even been a month since the NBA lockout ended and you can already here the trash talking, season analysis and bets being made for the upcoming NBA season. For an NBA fan, that’s normal. Us included. We’re die-hard Boston fans. Our sports blood is composed of equal parts Celtics, Patriots, Bruins, and some good old fashioned Red Sox. Our mom lived in Boston for three years during the ‘80s. From what she and the rest of the family have told us, it was the happiest time of their lives. But family aside, there’s a lot going on for Beantown. So before you put on that Yankee hat or (God forbid) the purple and gold, here are our reasons why Boston is the greatest city on earth.

 Education par excellence. Some people dream their whole lives of getting into Harvard, M.I.T., and even BC. All of these schools are found in Boston (well, Harvard and M.I.T. are in neighboring Cambridge, at least). The skeptic in you might say it’s just coincidence that these schools are all in Massachusetts’ favorite son, but we’d argue that the city has much to do with the education of the students as the campus itself. And if you still doubt just how great these schools are, or even Boston for that matter, well, this was the place where companies like Facebook and Microsoft were first “conceived.”

Titletown. Seventeen World Championships won by the Celtics, seven World Series titles by the Red Sox, six Stanley Cups bagged by the Bruins, and three Super Bowls for the Patriots. (Mind you, the New England Patriots were called the Boston Patriots before.) Winning has been and will always be a tradition in Boston. Heck, you can even add John Cena’s 12 world titles! Is there any other place with so many titles? Nope!

Icons. Before Barack Obama, before Ronald Reagan, no one inspired a country and generations afterward quite like John F. Kennedy. The man had it all! He had a presence that could make you stop what you were doing. Here was a man who had probably the most iconic voice for a US president. Guess what? He was born there and he graduated from “Hahvahd” University! Before becoming president, he was actually a senator representing Massachusetts. So the man has Boston culture born into him. Other than JFK, you also have our favorite comedian Conan O’ Brien. Sure, he got screwed over by Leno, but the man’s a pure class act! Here’s a man who said that if you’re kind and you work hard, great things will happen! Conan? Also from Beantown. And he also graduated from Harvard! He may be working on the West Coast now, but he still cheers for the Boston teams.

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