Be fruitful and Multiply

With the blue chips down and investors up against a crumbling Wall Street, concepts like money have become so abstract they have pretty much escaped reality. But you need not act desperately and stash your cash under the mattress or provoke a return to the barter system — just indulge in a little local retail therapy to get back that good solid feeling of having spent your money well. Shopping on Multiply brings the disembodied, online experience of purchasing goods on the Internet closer to home: It’s the digital equivalent of trolling through the tiendesitas: A maze of little DIY stores selling all manner of interesting finds at sticker-happy prices without the hassles, distractions and verbal abuse found at real-world bazaars or busy flea markets. The shopkeeper might not always be in, but the store is always open.

Multiply has allowed the average crafts-loving chick or Singer-savvy boy to start up small businesses with basically no overhead. All one needs are rudimentary design skills and a good digital camera (or friends who have them) to pretty up the site and make it stand out from the multitudes on Multiply. It also helps (for the clothes shopper) to be keenly aware of one’s body size, as you will only have measurements and often a low-res, glare-filled photograph to gauge the fit on. Don’t hesitate to ask specific questions like whether bunnies were harmed in the making of this product, was the item pre-loved by a dead person, and if they permit returns and exchanges in the event of delivery disappointment.

Payment methods are still a bit cumbersome but reassuringly tied to the physical world. There is no credit card mechanism, but typically GCash transfers and BPI or other bank deposits are accepted. Once you’ve settled the funds, you can sit back and forget about it for a few days until your purchases are freighted to your doorstep.

Here are some of the Multiply mom-and-pops that have the YStyle stamp of approval (please note that because of the fierce nature of bargainistas, some of the items pictured may not be available anymore).


What: Slouchy one-of-a-kind hobos in velvet or vintage fabrics, adorned in ribbons and haphazard accoutrements

Viva Vintage

What: Well-selected pieces from periods past. They don’t stock a lot of items, but those that they do are in good taste and condition and are usually sold right away

Karrots Cases

What: Clubby, huggy cozies for your iPods and lappies


What: Bags in familiar shapes and colorful synthetic leather; spacious eco-chic canvas hobos and shopping bags

Urban Juncture


What: Hooded vests and Kanye-esque satin jackets for your inner-city tough chick

Wear Art Thou


What: Art school daydreams doodle their way onto T-shirts


What: Cocktail dresses to teetotale in from School of Fashion and the Arts students

Pazzy Manila

What: Comfy basics with bursts of bold color and vintage influences

Get Happy


What: Happy David’s online source for her fun handpainted bangles and unique necklaces

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