Are you driven enough to party?

Driven Manila took the Manila clubbing scene to a new and improved energy rush with no less than the King of Space, Steve Lawler. Lawler is an in-demand DJ/producer and a world-renowned house music talent known for his keen musical sense. During their event at the Philippine Trade Center, dance music went full blast as DJ Steve heated up the venue. The event also unfolded the launch of the newest team of passionate dance event promoters – Driven Manila, headed by their main man, Domini Primero.


What would you do if you caught mommy kissing Santa Claus?

I would get my camera phone and take their picture, and then I would set it to timer, then take our picture all together for a photo op.


Would you rather have a silent night or a rocking Christmas night?

A rocking Christmas with everyone who’s dear to me! I want to feel the joys of celebrating love, happiness and thankfulness for all the blessings.


What would you do during the 12 days of Christmas with your lover?

I don’t have a lover, but I have a better alternative than that. Every day during the Christmas break we relive the past by sharing wine, and having a good time at the beach.


What would you play with your little drummer boy?

It would be Sunny by Boney M because it’s feel-good music. It makes me feel happy, even if I have no little drummer boy during the most wonderful time of the year.


How would you "bling" up your Christmas tree?

By placing pictures of special people with a note thanking each one of them for making my life so beautiful in its entirety.


Do you actually dream of a white Christmas?

Definitely yes, because a white Christmas is all about fulfillment, purity, love and, most of all, heaven on earth.


Do you think Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer needs a nose job?

No, what he needs is a cold tablet and a box of tissue, since he has a super-duper cold that has been bugging him since time immemorial.


Will you have fun when Santa Claus is in town?

Yes, of course I will! I will do my annual Christmas food binge with Santa Claus then meet up with my boyfriend and shift into drinking wine to make his visit as fun as possible.


How would you style Frosty the Snowman?

I’d put a snow girl and a snow baby beside him plus a snow puppy. They would be dressed up in tank tops and shorts so they won’t melt because it’s hot here in the Philippines.


What else would you hang along with your silver bells?

I would jazz it up with red ribbons, which symbolize love and affection.

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