Scented love

So there I was at Bench at 10 a.m. in the morning to stock up on my monthly necessities (two dozen pairs of underwear, baby cologne, hair gel, hair gum, hair refresher, soft sweets, potato chips, socks, tank tops and camisoles), when I bumped into my old buddy Manolet Dario. He, too, was doing his early morning run (yes, 10 a.m. is early for me) for his own Bench essentials. He grabbed a couple bottles of the Bendy Body spray in Green Tea, swearing it was the best stuff on earth. I took a whiff and understood why he had such a magnetic charm on the ladies.

Clearly a copycat, I explored the different possibilities of the body sprays and discovered yet another Bench gem! My two favorites Ginger (I’m a sucker for anything ginger – from scent to tea!) and Grass have become staples in my daily routine. I don’t only spray it on myself, but on my sheets, in the air as a freshener, on my hair and even on little notes I send to friends. What can I say, I’m super hooked. Bench body sprays come in five variants: the aforementioned Green Tea, Ginger and Grass along with the zesty Vetiver Mint and Citrus Orange. All scents are fit for both sexes!

I asked my choosiest pals and fellow YStyle columnists to give their lowdown on my new finds. Here, they marvel at the delicious scents that can be found at a Bench store near you!


This baby has a unique citrusy-spicy scent of ginger and oranges with some floral flavor for extra sweetness. It’s sexy without being overpowering!

Tim Yap:
Bench Ginger body spray provides a certain yin to the yang of our lives… smells like teen spirit. An extraordinarily uplifting scent.

DJ Montano:
Smells like a refreshing bowl of sweet citrus fruits!

Pepper Teehankee:
Smells like a divine spa!

Jackie Antonio:
Smells like fresh Mediterranean or cucumber salad! Inspiring and absolutely yummy.

Marco Antonio:
Bench Grass reminds me of a great afternoon in the meadows when you just want to hang out with your loved one.

Wendy Hotung:
Bench Grass’ invigorating, the smell of grass reminds me of the childhood days I spent at my dad’s farm! Nostalgic and delicious!


It has a light, fresh green scent with a bit of floral to keep it easy on the nose and some musk for balance. Great for daytime use or some serious scenting-up on the beach.

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