Rock n’ roll is Kjwan and games

It is almost 8 p.m. on a stormy Wednesday night. I have the boys of Kjwan debating over a very important subject to conclude our interview. It’s a matter of life and death. Xbox versus PS2. Seriously.

Apprehension makes the cold weather seem even colder. Nervousness kicks in along with the realization that I’ve got a super-band seated around me, willing to answer any question I put before them. But do the members of the band consider themselves as such?

"Great friends, great musicians – it’s a super-band in the sense that it’s the most ideal band I will ever have," says vocalist Marc Abaya, who’s also an MTV VJ.

He and his band-mates Jorel Corpus (guitars), Kelley Mangahas (bass) and J-Hoon Balbuena (drums) are on a mission to change music with their unique take on rock. They’re achieving this mission one step at a time by setting small, realistic goals for themselves.

"Our first goal was to make good songs," Jorel says. Their next goal was to actually have the album in their hands, which they also accomplished.

Their self-titled debut kicks off with the fast-paced Surface, setting a powerful, intense tone for what’s to come. It shows the first trace of Kjwan’s particular groove, killer beats and killer riffs that display more than a hint of funk. This attribute dominates their album, and it is the basic component of all the tracks – be the songs spirited and angry, or mellow, bittersweet and melancholy. Their album is an eclectic combination of songs, a well-arranged collection that showcases the band’s style and versatility.

The album also manages to maintain the energy of a live performance. This was one of their primary aims during the recording sessions. But their biggest challenge was not to sound like their other bands.

"Along the way, we just found a certain Kjwan sound," says J-Hoon. "We’re just happy that the sound doesn’t remind you of Kapatid, Sandwich, Dicta License or Happymeals."

The boys listen to the likes of Rage Against the Machine, the Black Crowes, N.E.R.D., Erykah Badu, Alice in Chains and Stone Temple Pilots, among others. Their sound, while being a mixture of elements from their influences, is not necessarily reminiscent of these acts. Although they have drawn comparisons to bands such as Audioslave and Maroon 5, their music is still distinctly their own. It’s everything they listen to, as well as who they are, put together.

"So, what is Kjwan all about?" I ask. I’m met with silence, and Jorel is met with anticipating stares from his band-mates.

"Why me?" he complains, eliciting a round of laughter. He finally answers, "It’s basically about making the music that we want."

The diversity of their music is almost ironic. They admit that most of their lyrics are about girls, and everything to do with love. ("Because love is a natural thing!" Marc says, and his band-mates echo the statement.)

Despite revolving around the same subject, however, their music still manages to evoke different feelings from the listener. From fury to distress, from questioning to wanting, the songs cover so great a range that almost anyone would be able to relate.

Their music has no set formula. There are no previously defined limitations for what they intend to accomplish. Their art is a spontaneous effort. Kelly elaborates further, describing the process in detail.

"We jam in Marc’s house. We usually start with the guitar, and then we record stuff in his computer. We make demos, and then come the songs," he says. Boomerang and Bracelet, two of the tracks on their album, were actually the result of spontaneous jamming.

When they aren’t jamming at Marc’s residence (dubbed "Helltop" by the band), you’d probably find them beating each other up over the Xbox. A typical Kjwan night will have the boys ganging up on Jorel after losing to him dozens of times on Fight Night 2004.

"Once we win a game, it’s over!" they exclaim. They break into choruses of We Are The Champions to celebrate their victory. The Xbox has been more than idle entertainment. Hanging out as often as they do has built their relationship, their feel for each other. It’s affected their work, speeding it up and making them more effective. Aside from being fun, it has built that connection between them, that camaraderie, helping their music reach a more human level.

This is essentially what Kjwan is: a combination of work, play and brotherhood. They went from being college buddies to casually jamming to recording a full-length album, which debuted at No. 11 on the Tower Records chart – and it’s not going to stop there.

So, why Xbox over PS2?

"Xbox is cooler!" Marc calls out from his spot on the couch.

"It’s more fluid," Jorel agrees.

"But the PS2 has more games! More choices!" J-Hoon argues.

"The Xbox is more stable," Jorel retorts.

"And it has a Dolby Surround!" Marc adds.

"Dolby Digital Surround? PS2 has that too, man!" Jorel replies, laughing.

"What do you have – PS2 or Xbox?" Marc asks sardonically.

"Xbox," Jorel answers.

"Ayun pala eh!"

After taking a few photos, I leave Kjwan to their drinks and discussion. I set off on my way home, somewhat sadly. It’s a Wednesday night and I drive off wishing for class suspension and rockstardom.

I got my first wish. I’m still hoping the second one is granted soon.
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Contact Kjwan for gigs/events at 0919-8820466 or Join their YahooGroup! at The band’s self-titled debut is available at all Tower Records and M1 branches for the oh-so-low price of P250.
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