Dear China, Maimai And Tingting,

My friend and I enjoy a close friendship and are very happy until one day, another girl, my friend's classmate, came into the picture. At first, it was a-OK with me but as time passed by, she started getting my friend's whole attention. I feel she's trying to drive my friend and I apart. I talked to my friend about this and she said no one could destroy our friendship. I try to ignore this problem but the more I do, the more it becomes so complicated. I am confused! I have been told that I am being possessive and I admit it. I tend to be selfish especially with my friends. I don't want to lose my friend. I love her so much! Next semester, we'll be separated and I don't know if we'll be able to maintain the closeness that we've had. Should I talk to the other girl? Please help!


No, I don't think you should talk to the other girl. If your friend wants to be friends with other people, she should be free to do so. Friendship is not a competition. I suggest you put your efforts on other things. If you are not able to sustain this friendship when you're done with the semester, then maybe it wasn't really meant to be.


I think this is a question of security. You're not sure if your friendship is strong enough. You also placed your eggs on one basket, so to speak. This makes your friend indispensable, unfortunately, to your detriment. I think you should go ahead and continue cultivating your friendship with your groupmates. However, I don't think you should be insecure if they have other friends, too. For that matter, I think you should not limit your social life with this one group.


It's never healthy to be possessive over a person. This is the main reason why relationships come to an end. Maybe you should rethink your position and make some changes. Friends are there to support each other. While it is great to have a barkada, as a friend, you should still allow each other room to grow. This means you should be able to make other friends apart from your core group. Broaden your horizon. There's life outside of this one friendship.

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Trapped In A Liar's Lair
Dear China, Maimai And Tingting,

A couple of years ago, I met this guy in the office and we fell in love. We have been together for a little over a year when I found out that he was lying to me all the time because he was married. Actually, I heard some talk about him being married before, but when I confronted him, he denied it. My officemates didn't nag me because they thought I knew about it. Of course, I broke off with him immediately because I don't want to be a home wrecker. This was about three months ago. But I really love him and I see him regularly. What should I do?


When there's smoke, there's usually a fire. You should have done more than confront the guy especially in an accusation as serious as this. I know there is such a thing as trusting your mate but there are also such things as prudence and cautiousness. Anyway, since all is done and over with, the next thing you should do is try to recover from the heartache this guy has given you. I suggest you start entertaining other suitors and going out more often with friends. Since you are in the same work place as him, try to rise above your personal feelings and deal with him as professionally as you can, that is, if you have to at all. It's going to be hard but you have to try. If you really can't stand the tension in the office, quit. There's no other way.


Have you ever considered talking to your personnel department and forcing this guy to quit? He, after all, committed adultery, an act of moral transgression. You were a victim and the personnel department can't fault you for that. By breaking up with him, you have already proven yourself strong. Don't let him see you distraught because by this, you allow him to crush you more. Prove to him that you can do without cheaters like him.


There are a couple of things you can do. To regain some peace of mind, you can quit your job and find another one far from him. Unfortunately, finding a job nowadays is not so easy, but try to do so. This will be worth your while. If you can't find another job or don't like to leave your present work place, all you can do is sacrifice in silence. You already made an error in judgment. Learn from it.

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