Bianca Araneta basks in the sun

The sun is up, get out of bed and pack your bags…Next destination: Paradise. Ideally, choose a place where the tide is high, the sand is powder soft, and you can spot gorgeous Bianca Araneta having a tan under her Tabu swimsuit. If things could just be that simple, then you wouldn’t mind sending that postcard and the tall glass of pina colada over, right? Well, Bianca is just begging to get more air miles just the same, and no, it’s not just because it’s summer.

Already a long-time staple of the Studio 23 VJ-dom, Bianca has her eyes set on a different job description: that of trailing the beaches, check-in on the finest-starred hotels, and live the luxe of room service. It has been her longest dream to have her very own travel show, and armed with wares that could pull off any tiny-inched swimsuit and the mile-a-minute gift of gab that matches her adventurous spirit, she’s definitely the perfect chick for the job. Problem is, there are no job openings yet, and she can hold on to that resume for the longest time possible, but that doesn’t mean she’s not going anywhere.

Like the wakeboarding weekend off Batangas’ beaches or the Boracay holiday that barely got her a tan-line, when Bianca needs a break, her magic words only come in six syllables, "Definitely the beach!"

Or, at least, sans the airfare and accommodations, yet wet and soothing just the same, she loads on hours in the bathroom. "If I have the luxury of time, I enjoy taking long baths while listening to soothing music, or just stay there in silence. But if I don’t have time to relax and unwind, I just munch on some chocolates which almost instantly put me in a good mood." Yet another one of those mystery girls which could fit gorgeously in any bikini with a tummy-full of perk-me-up-chocos. And that’s not all. Clearly, she has the sweet tooth, so no dessert course is to be missed, thank you very much, and she douses up on Asian cuisine, which is as flavorful as it is fattening. But take your tip here: she misses oily Chinese take-outs, dark meat, and is a devout gym disciple. "I try to stay active and hit the gym as often as I can. I’m trying to get into a new sport now, and I also do yoga and pilates whenever I find time.", so goes her Fitness 101.

But if there’s anything her gym toys have to contend with, that would be her gadgets. "I was meant to be born in this age of digital technology!", she lets out with a mantra that would make Bill Gates proud. So on a list of her three vitals on the vanity travel case, she has her digi-cam and her cellphone on the top two with sunglasses on the last place. Unbelievable, this girl is a man should she have left some room for balls. Oh, but that absence of anatomical drag-ons she made up for with real female chromosomes…Shopping. "Even if I don’t have any money, I still find a way to buy swimsuits and underwear!", sounds girl enough for me. "But I’ve definitely slowed down through the years! But I still love bargain shopping, the ‘tiangges’ and shopping abroad.", proof enough that the world is not enough to house all the silks, jerseys, and denims. But in Bianca’s closet, there’s only one thing that gets the top rack and whether they are hipsters, bootlegs, distressed or painted, it’s every girl’s best friend…the elusive pair of butt-cinching jeans.

Would her whole closet fit in her suitcase should her jet setting dreams come true, no one knows for sure. But for Bianca, have destination, an arm candy and loads of chocolates, she will indeed travel. To where? "Maldives, or the African Safari. That’s my dream as a kid and even though it’s not much of my dream now, I really want to go and fulfill that fantasy." With a gallant and well-versed tour guide, perhaps? We wouldn’t know, but we could always take a hint…Bianca is in deep love (or trouble?) when, "I just become a much happier person, I’m more relaxed, don’t go out as much, and put on a little weight…", she ends with a laugh. Now my checklist was all filled, well, except for the "little weight" part. So, one thing’s for certain, whoever will make it to that "tropical secluded island with no mosquitoes, bats, rats, and roaches, with 24-hour room service, lots of food, good music, starry nights, bright moon, and sunshine-y days", (or to make it short, Bianca’s ideal paradise) he is one lucky guy.

Sigh, guess I won’t be packing my T-back swimsuit anytime soon.

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