Edward Mendez: Space Cowboy

A crazy, candid and curious cowboy raised in Maryland attracted the eyes of many during Bench's fashion Show. Beneath that beautiful body and flirtatious smile lies an even more exciting personality. It is no wonder Edward stood out amongst the many others who took part in the very much talked-about fashion show. His easy-going charisma and congenial nature makes it effortless for anyone to strike up a conversation with this hottie. He can go on for hours, talking about anything and everything under the sun, leaving a girl completely fascinated. The energetic youth that gleams from the very first time one sets eyes on him, makes him all the more endearing.

Though he grew up in a more liberated environment, he takes on the challenge of a more conservative dating scene in Manila, and readily engages himself in profound exchanges of ideas that turn up to be an eye-opener to perhaps another successful date story. And why not? A guy like Edward could definitely leave a lasting impression on just about anyone. Just as he is both sexy and vibrant, it is but expected that his dream girl, the perfect clone of Angelina Jolie, would more than suit his dating needs. Despite the anything-goes philosophy he lives up to, he still turns out to be the perfect gentleman. So there you have it—a guy full of life with the perfect touch of chivalry.

Not to worry, girls. Time is one your side. It looks like this cowboy is here to stay. Determined to pursue a degree in Psychology at the Ateneo de Manila, it is one huge certainty that Edward will been seen not only in fashion shows, but hopefully at some of Manila’s hottest spots. So, if you fit the profile, hold your horses and enjoy the ride!

Target Profile:

Hair: Very long shinny and black

Eyes: Provocative, bedroom eyes

Nose: Small and pointy

Lips: Wide, thick, ruby red

Bust: Full and well rounded

Built: Sexy but not too thin

Skin: Fair

Height: 5'4-5'7

Choice #1: Angelina Jolie

Choice #2: Mandy Moore

Choice #3: Beyonce Knowles

When do you think it's time to ask a girl out?

Right after I get her number.

How do you know if a girl is attracted to you?

I would know if she makes eye contact more than twice.

What's your most memorable date?

The date when I had my first kiss by surprise while slow-dancing.

What is a foolproof conversation piece that would spice up the date?

When the conversation is focused on intimacy, it's sure that the date would be spicier.

What are the bloopers that often arise in dates?

Leaving the keys in the car with you and your dare locked outside.

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