Of risks and other demons

Was there ever a time in your life when you figured the only way to conquer fear was to face it? What did you do when you encountered such debilitating anxiety?

All of us take risks. We risk getting hurt when we get out of the house, take a cab or peel an onion. Risks are part of life. Successful people take them and those who avoid them are sure to suffer.

Businessmen take risks all the time. They invest their money on ventures while relying only on experience and intuition. There are no guarantees of a windfall but their faith in themselves sustains them and helps them carry on when times are rough. Construction workers, traffic enforcers, cigarette hawkers… all of them risk life and limb to earn a living.

Lovers risk most by trusting their hearts to another and giving the loved one absolute power to inflict pain. That’s what makes love so mysterious. It thrives in uncertainty and flourishes in agony. Those who believe that love is all about the good times alone is not of this planet.

Romantics say that love hidden is love wasted. What could be more painful than not being able to express your feelings? Suffering comes from concealing desire. Would you be willing to face rejection (or acceptance) and tell that special person you love him or her?

Risk-taking is like learning to fly. Eaglets only know they can soar once the mother eagle throws them off the nest.

It is not advisable, however, to take a leap without gauging the depth of the cliff.

Don Miguel Ruiz, author of the book The Four Agreements, separated "warriors" from the "victims". Victims, he said, repress their feelings because of fear. Warriors go on and show their true selves – when the time is right.

Which one are you?

Risk-taking entails an incredible amount of faith and confidence. You have to believe that you are capable of dealing with the results of what you plan to do whether they work to your favor or not. A generous dose of self-love and courage will see you through.

There are no guarantees of a happy ending. You might have to lose something before you find what it is you are looking for. Then again, you just might hit the jackpot and win on your first try.

You will not know if you have a chance unless you take it.

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