Today’s Most Envied Bodies (Part 6)

You hear her voice on the radio, pay attention to it, get drawn with each word, and fall for it after a while. Same thing happens when you see her in person. The only thing different is, she’d you hooked, not on her, but on kickboxing. FYI, Chinggay Andrada does not only work within the confines of RX 93.1 DJ’s booth, she also teaches kickboxing and punch bag aerobics in Makati’s Red Corner.

But don’t get her wrong. She’s no stern professor who punishes every working joint in the body with her established kick-ass skills. "I’m there to motivate, scream and make sure they have the goal in mind." That goal is to keep fit not in the name of vanity but as a reward for the body that has served you well.

Her first crash course on fitness started when she was taught herself modern jazz hwen she was eight years old. She went into sports when she was 13 and acquired a gym membership hwne she was 15. Today, she tries a different sport every month. "I plan to get into skydiving when the year is over," she shares.

"When I started teaching, I knew that I had to serve as a role model. But that wasn’t my motivation for being fit. It’s because of me and that I’ve been doing it for such a long time.

What motivates you?

The energy I gained after a workout motivates me to always keep fitness in mind. It’s a lifestyle that I have chosen for myself.

What are the right attitudes, mindset and traits for staying fit?

Fitness should be a part of your life. I work out with long-term goals in mind. I aim to look 50 when I’m 80.

What don’t you do to maintain a healthy body?

I don’t smoke and I hardly drink.

How do you manage to balance work with your healthy lifestyle?

Time management. A workout is just like managing when you should sleep, eat and work. You have to make time for it.

Do you have a sport?

Kickboxing and dancing. I also do rock climbing. I teach punch bag aerobics at Red Corner thrice a week. It’s like working with your own punching bag, kicking and punching it. It’s quite a workout!

What’s the best diet regimen for you?

Eat breakfast! I usually eat and graze throughout the day.

Do you still get insecure and conscious about your body?

No. treat your body as a temple. Treat it well and it will withstand whatever you want to get into. I keep that in mind.

Which part of your body do you think needs improvement?

I don’t of my body as parts of my body.

How would you encourage others to stay fit?

Fitness is not limited to the gym. Do something you enjoy, something fun, and do vary your workouts. Don’t think workout. Think of a fun way to keep your body in shape and stick to it. You are in this for the long run.

Tomorrow: Greg Filipovich

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