Akiko’s Gameplan

She started swimming when she was six years old, for fun. "I was a goofball," Akiko Thompson says. "The reason why I swam was because I was a hyperactive kid. My mom couldn’t control me." A few years later, Akiko took a different turn and left majority of the normal kids behind. She was invited to train with the Philippine National Team at 11 years old, and two years later, qualified for the South East Asian Games.

While teenagers around the country went to discos and bars to "boy-hunt," Akiko swam four to five hours a day, six days a week, and joined international meets around the globe. After high school, she earned a swimming scholarship at the University of California in Berkeley. She majored in Anthropology with a minor in Theatre. (Yes, she can act, too.) And by the time she retired at 22, she had competed in five SEA Games, three Olympics, and had a sparkling showroom of gold medals and trophies to be proud of. Now she takes on television as well, being one of the newest hosts of Gameplan and the new Nike and Oakley girl.

On being a young achiever…

"I’m naturally competitive," Akiko explains. "There comes a point when you have to make a conscious decision, ‘Are you gonna stick with this or are you just gonna do it for fun?’" Once determined to go for it, it’s no walk in the park. "I was training everyday," Akiko recalls. No regrets though. Akiko knew no other lifestyle but this. "I grew into the discipline and got accustomed to it. The sport required discipline, and it had to be that way if I wanted to excel."

On hindsight…

She’s 27 now, so where’s Akiko Thompson gone? "I’m happy with how things turned out," she says proudly. "I wouldn’t have gone as far as I did if God didn’t give me the talent, and if I didn’t have the support that I did from my family and coaches." And when asked about her greatest achievement, winning gold medals didn’t even cross her mind. "A lot of athletes end their sport and they’re so burnt out. For me, the day after I swam in the Olympics in Atlanta, I wanted to get into the water. It would be so ugly if you ended something you’re bitter about, and I’m far from that. I retired from the sport still loving it."

Does she attribute everything she is today to having been a young achiever?

"Swimming really developed a lot of character in me," Akiko explains. "It developed me into being the kind of person that I am now." Once an athlete, always an athlete.

On the future…

Being an achiever is everyone’s dream, and hell, it’s no easy task. Without thinking twice, Akiko says, "It’s a lot of hard work. I would tell someone, ‘Find something that you really enjoy, that you’re passionate about. If it’s piano, it’s piano. Whatever it is, pursue it. See how far you can go. The road to success is not easy. There’re a lot of sacrifices and a lot of hard work, but it’s so worth it. You don’t realize it when you’re doing it, but the lessons you learn from sports or from pursuing something at a higher level really prepares you for the challenges of life.’"

On staying fit…

"I swim three times a week, alternating with gym. I watch my diet because I don’t

exercise as much as before."

On having fun…

"I watch a lot of movies, have dinners with friends, and do karaoke. I don’t go to too

many bars. I’m a morning person."

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