Thoughts on Boston and Gosnell: A Person's a Person No Matter How Small

As I write this, I'm waiting for my turn at my OB-gyne's clinic, praying for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. I am shocked, saddened, and praying for peace, justice, healing and forgiveness to flow not only in Boston, but in every place that has been rocked by violence.

Every place... including the wombs of mothers whose children have died due to the horrendous scourge of abortion.

Yes, abortion.

Recently, I participated in a Twitter fest to end the media blackout of the Kermit Gosnell trial. If you haven't heard of him, Dr. Kermit Gosnell is an American abortionist who is currently facing trial for the death of one of his patients, and the murder of several fully-formed infants - done by the snipping of their spinal cords just after being delivered.

Yes, it's as gruesome as it sounds.

But that's not all.

Dr. Gosnell's clinic was also found to be operating under disgusting condition also accused of spreading venereal disease among his many patients due to unhygienic practices, among other things.

What is even more tragic is that the mainstream media do not seem to care that much about the Gosnell trial to consider it newsworthy. Or perhaps there are other reasons.

But you know what's even more disturbing to me, as a person and as a parent?

Many of us don't see that abortion victims - no matter how early or late in pregnancy - deserve the same sympathy, outrage and cry for justice from us as do the victims of other violent acts. Tragedies like the Boston Marathon bombing, or the tragic Newtown school shootings last December because it’s still human life that we are talking about.

A person's a person no matter how small, as Dr. Seuss says. Whether the baby in the womb is one day old, one month old or full term, it is already a person, even if others may call it a fetus or a "blob of cells" or a "product of reproduction." It is alive - it's a LIFE - and I believe that no one has the right to decide if that life is "viable" or not.

Just like no one has the right to decide if the lives of people running in a marathon are indispensable or viable.

A person's a person no matter how small. So the people who die at the hands of terrorists or criminals are just as special and precious to God as the itty-bitty babies who die at the hands of "doctors" i.e. abortionists - even if they don't look like complete human beings yet to many - they are precious gifts, they are living, breathing human persons!

As a parent, I want my kids to grow up valuing life, especially human life. And defend it if necessary. I know it may be idealistic to some but I want my kids to grow up loving God, loving others and spreading peace, hope and joy to those around them. It doesn't matter to me if they get high-paying jobs or not, or are successful in the world's eyes or not.

What matters most is that they will treasure life and share God's love to others, and do what they can to establish God's peace on earth. And that they will always remember: A person's a person no matter how small. A gift is a gift, no matter what packaging it came in.

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