On Dana White, Floyd, Jeremy Lin and Manny Pacquiao

About a week ago, UFC president Dana White lashed out on Floyd Mayweather Jr. for the boxer’s erstwhile racist comments on budding New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin, and his “fight” with Manny Pacquiao. The said comments were about Lin being a Asian as the main reason for  all the accolades he's been getting.

And so White went on a rant against Pretty Boy Floyd for being such a racist and very unconscious of what comes out of his mouth, or fingers so to speak. I’ll side with Dana White on this one since Chickenweather makes me sick. I do not know what his problem really is. Maybe he’s lost a lot of kiss-asses. Maybe it is because Manny Pacquiao is making headlines with his upcoming fight with Timothy Bradley and his own fight against Miguel Angel Cotto isn’t generating as much news. What can you expect? People are already tired of "Moneymouth."

And one more thing, what is his deal with Asians really? He can lash out his tongue all he wants but there’s still a fact he can’t face: he’s pretty damn scared of facing one in the ring. You offer arguably the more popular fighter than you a guaranteed $40 million without pay-per-view cuts? You have to be off your uneducated noggin’ son. The guy is 34 years old and acts like a 15-year-old kid. Here’s our main man, who’s pretty much on the side of 30 and acts like a distinguished 50-year-old gentleman. Classy, Floyd. Oh I forgot to mention, the 23-year-old Asian-American you were dissing? He’s taking the high road ignoring your comments and just proving himself to doubters. It would be funny if he slapped you silly with his Diploma from Harvard. Get that Floyd? Harvard. Your puny brain cannot fathom that I suppose.

Apparently, Dana White thinks so too. To him, Floyd is just a sad, sad display of popularity getting to your head and not even Mayweather’s “manager” can make the UFC boss shut up. Well I say, why shut reason up? Why doesn’t he shut his pet’s yap? What’s the most sensible thing that came out of Money’s mouth? Oh wait, NONE.

If there’s one thing I fully understand from Floyd now, it's the fact that he doesn’t like hard workers. He doesn’t like people who earn their credits. And most of all, he doesn’t like EDUCATED people. Well Floyd, time to get some education yourself, unless your 15-year-old brain always poops it out. Time to grow up 15-year-old brain, Floyd.

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