Confessions of a food blogger

I am a food blogger.

Food blogging, to me, is not merely a means to an end but rather a futile practice of finding the highest quality of gastronomical treats available within a reasonable price range. I have been afflicted with “gourmandism.”

Yes there is such a thing as Gourmandism. The Internet describes gourmandism as:

gourmandism, gormandism

1.      a strong penchant for good food; gourmetism; epicurism.

Sadly, it also describes it as:

2.      gluttony. – gourmand, gormand, n., adj.

But in no way am I a glutton. I have no desire to eat beyond that which I can consume.

But I do love food. The journey of being a food blogger was neither easy nor was it a planned endeavor. For starters, I wasn’t really into what we would call “good food” before. As long as it was cheap and sulit, I was happy.

Food blogging the natural recourse

After months of experimenting in the kitchen because of the odd times when I would go home to a usually empty house (both of human beings and prepared food) I would start tossing together a few things. Did you know that corned beef and pork and beans go together? I didn’t either until one faithful afternoon of experimenting with what was in the pantry. I then decided to document this adventure of mine online. The moniker “Chubbychef” then crossed my mind as I believed the old adage “never trust a skinny chef”to justify my then increasing waist line.

What started out as a personal journal of my culinary journey turned into a documentation of places I would eat at. Just because they were cheap. I didn’t own an SLR and used my mobile phone to take photos. Yes, they were horrendous. A FAR cry from my blog now. (I blog personally at But I had to start somewhere.

My only readers then were my ex-girlfriend (primarily because she had to and to check who and where I was eating) and my mom.

I never bothered myself with invites, photos, or even traffic and linking. I was in my tiny little personal bubble of blogging. Until people in my old university started emailing, SMS-ing, and IM-ing me about places to eat and the newest must-try restaurants. Some of them asked for recommendations, while others gave advice.

Foodie Manila today

I could still remember the very first invite I received to blog about a restaurant. It was so surreal. I could hardly believe that they wanted me to write about their food and restaurant. I mean, who exactly was I right? I felt so awkward about eating and getting up and leaving without paying. I felt like I was dining and dashing. The pressure was on to write about them in a nice way. Good thing the food was awesome. I mean, free food is always good but I guess there is just something about firsts.

Today my palette has evolved. What seemed quite tasty before only seems mediocre now. Not because of the price, but I’ve come to realize that there are better ways to prepare food. I’ve also come to realize that subtle differences in strength of taste and consider even the ambiance and service in my features.

Two years later, a few inches wider, and some pounds heavier, I am still a learning food blogger, out to conquer the foodie world one dish at a time. Yes, I am a food blogger. Hear me burp.

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