Anawangin Cove: If you're looking for a camping tree, it's the place to be

Anawangin Cove photo by Livi B.

If you're looking for a real camping trip, Anawangin is the place to be. Take note, please don't go here if you want to spend alone time with your significant other. It'll be a lot more fun if you're with a group of more than five, I guess.

I went here with friends (there were 8 of us) last May 18. We paid P533 (P 333 for the tent, entrance, boat ride etc) and P1,000 for the van transfer from Manila to Zambales V.V. 

It will take around 4 to 5 hours to get to Pundaquit Beach, and from there, you will be riding a boat. The trip takes around 30 minutes.

When you get there… dun dun dun! Turn off your mobile phones since you won’t get any signal -- not even one bar, regardless of the network. Well the positive side is that you won't have to experience “first world problems” like "what should I post on Instagram?" Or "They don't have LTE in this place."

They also sell hammocks here. I bought mine for 250 and found out that they were just selling it of 100. Oh well. Buy drinking water in Pundaquit for P40 since when you get there, the price will rise to 150.

Bring camping stuff such as sleeping bags, cooking utensils and food you can grill. Don't forget to bring the ihawan though! And matches! And coal of course.

Good luck and have fun! :)

Original review written on June 8, 2012. Read more customer reviews about Anwangin Cove on looloo.

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