Supreme's Top of the Pop

MANILA, Philippines - Every week, we at Supreme bring you the best in pop culture news. See, there is never too much space in a national broadsheet for the important things in life — like kitten memes and LMFAO. 

 But every now and then, it pays to take a step back, look at the big picture, and ask ourselves the tough questions — like, what does pop culture really say about society? Are trending topics the measure of humanity’s wisdom? And what would Jesus do about the Facebook Timeline?

 Enter Supreme’s spankin’ new pop culture graph, a feature we’ll publish at the end of each month starting now. The graph takes the issues that define the times — the highs, lows; yay’s, no’s; OMG’s and WTF’s — and makes sense of all of them. See, Jose Rizal once said, “It’s only when we know where we come from that we can know where we’re going.” And Confucius once wrote, “It’s only when we take random events and ‘correlate’ them that a smug lifestyle section may truly feel smart.”


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