Let's give them something to talk about

It’s three years later and they’re still giving people something to talk about. Although it’s also our third anniversary, I’m not referring to Supreme. I’m talking about the past month’s Pecha Kucha Night 3.0 in Shangri-La Theater.

What is Pecha Kucha Night? It is the soul brother of Supreme in a live format. Like the ample but confined space given to columns, the Pecha Kucha style allows the media creator only 20 slides in six minutes and 20 seconds to share their stories. Each 20-second slide must be a slice of life that is crisp, captivating and informative as its origins from the bright Klein Dytham architects from Japan who began Pecha Kucha and spread it globally.

In Supreme, we also know that it is no easy task to dig and gather the personalities that spin the Philippines’ creative wheel. Yet, the social advertising agency Ideals Creative has always been up to task. Like us, they have grown from their first talk called “Design to Make A Difference” in Kape Isla — which, as point of trivia, was also one of our first articles. From an intimate Pecha Kucha night in Mag:net, they have grown to staging it at Shangri-La Theater. From showcasing yours truly, they have gotten more creative iconoclasts like Pepe Diokno (also from Supreme), Team Manila, Lourd de Veyra for a few minutes that will expand audiences’ minds. From a few sponsors, they got Starbucks, Golden Spoon, Rogue magazine, QTV and Shangri-La Plaza Mall on their side. Yet, their eye for tapping collaborators is not why they are supreme. Neither is it because they’re blood relatives — as Ideal’s Dang Sering is a sister of our very own Tara FT Sering.

They are supreme, and continue to be, for properly nurturing the millennial zeitgeist that is the consciousness of people to know (period). With the power of the mighty Wi-Fi, everyone has become Pacman-obsessed to eat the little bits of random knowledge about their next-door neighbor to the invention of the latest meme made in France. With the ever-increasing speed of the times, someone has to make sense of it all, weed out the fads, and see the future. Ideals Creative’s Pecha Kucha Night has done it. As we strive to do every week, they got the chime of society’s chit-chat (Pecha Kucha in Japanese), edited it into fashion, and shared it for everyone to enjoy. And this is what makes them and us supreme. Happy anniversary to us and Ideals Creative!

Pecha Kucha Night: A Remix of Supreme’s Past, Present, and Future

As a spiritual brother, Pecha Kucha Night has had some editorial crossovers by featuring people up on stage that we have put on our pages such as One Tama and Budjette Tan. As I sat in for the third Pecha Kucha event, the latest batch of speakers were again, a mash-up of Supreme’s past, present and future. They are the people that Supreme has worked with before or who continue to contribute to our culture lab that make me reminisce and appreciate the talent that we bring every Saturday. And even more exciting, I also found some characters that are making waves in society and will probably be part of our future to share with you readers. I present to you a bit of Supreme’s way of reminiscing and also a little bit of things to come.

Paris unedited — As much as photographer Mark Nicdao loved shooting KC Conception for our first issue shoot in Paris, he is even more enthralled at finding the true lovers in Paris and other images that make him say, “Wow, God loves me.”

N.A.S.A (Nora Aunor School of Acting) — During Supreme’s last interview with Mark Meily, he had tons to say about the absurdity of telenovela acting. This Cinemalaya director of Donor expanded this point with his Nora Aunor School of Acting talk. With precisely-placed punch lines on Pinoy acting techniques and tons of laughter from the crowd, Mark isn’t just good at directing comedy, he is even greater starring in it.

City Sense live — Another Philippine STAR columnist took the stage to share. This time it wasn’t from Supreme but our section neighbor Modern Living’s Paulo Alcazaren. Our City Sense guide speaks with the usual amount sarcasm on how there is no planning in Manila’s urban design. Fans of Alcazaren will find his talk a live mirror of what you read in his column.

Pass the idea ball — It only took graphic artist Aj Dimarucot an e-mail to Nike for his NBA T-shirt design to be used. Soon after, his designs broke ground in Threadless.com and he eventually created the knockout Nike images for Manny Pacquiao and what was supposed to be Michael Jackson’s last concert. Aj is the poster boy for any graphic designer dreaming to break out. All you need to do is to send and share for a second.

Geek on the move —What does it take to be an indie publisher? A lot of guts and geek from what I gather from author Carl Javier of And The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth. Javier is part of the unabashed Scott Pilgrim geek movement. Geeks writers are discovering that they aren’t alone online and offline. People are buying their books, watching their shows, and surprisingly getting their references. Javier’s latest novel Kobayashi Maru of Love, taken from a Star Trek reference, marks what the new geek is all about. He expresses his love for videogames, comic books and, in a Kevin Smith way, dishes out something about relationships too.

Drawing another path —The animation studio Tuldok is making a point that there is no way of stopping the artistic gene in the Filipino. Faced with either animating or dubbing a Japanese cartoon or making one’s own animated feature, Tuldok decided to create something original despite the costs. Forming a network of artist, dubbers, directors, and writers, Tuldok organizes to meet in any resto or house to brainstorm an animation project. After, they all work online to piece it together. So far, they have made a 20-minute film called Libingan on Kapres and are working on another fantasy title called Pasintabi due soon.

Care to share? — Writer Irene Sarmiento cares a lot about children and their future. Her Palanca-winning piece “Spinning” was a tribute to kids with autism. Recently, she opened the site Open Time Capsule where you can share stories, essays, images, and poetry about 2010, for children to open in 2020. If you have the time to share, the time is now. Who knows? A snapshot of your silly face might bring so much laughter 10 years from now.

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E-mail me @ readnow@supreme.ph.

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