
Like fat, it has come to my attention that not all attempts to shamelessly sell products are bad. Again, like fat, good advertisements can be beneficial to your body because your brain can convert these sellout ideas to something worth buying to your own creative advantage. However, consumers including myself are suffering from advertising deficiency disorder because they mastered the art of deflecting marketing strategies and advertisement placements. It is either by tuning out the messages of billboards on the road by drowning it out with music or watching TV online that skips the usual commercial clutter.

 We consumers need to take a dosage of these vitamin-rich ideas regularly. We can do that by going online and finding this mental wealth in international 2009 Cannes Lions winners below. These winners are doing more than pushing the boundaries of their medium but also flexing the powers of technology by integrating mediums into their campaign like the web with print ads and even your mobile phone. Also, the great minds of Cannes winners have used unconventional means, including literally the road itself, to get their point across. In fact, the ideas are not only won this year by the usual brands like Lego or provocative products like Viagra. They are joined by political ones including US President Barack Obama who did not just win the presidency but also won a titanium and integrated Lions Award for his presidential campaign over three years back.

 So open your mind wide and see how you can shape the world as these great ideas have done.

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View other Cannes Lions awardees at http://work.canneslions.com.

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