Christmas won’t be the same without you

So what’s wrong if we are the most excited people to celebrate Christmas? A bit too early, is what people of foreign cultures would say about the Filipinos’ penchant for celebrating the Yuletide season a tad earlier than most. Even before Halloween hits, Christmas carols invade the malls’ playlist as soon as the “ber” months hit the calendar. “Decemblur” is upon us, so Christmas is not just around the corner — it is the expected houseguest that’s already knocking on our doors, right now.

With this tradition, you can already expect homes to be spruced up in the most festive of Christmas colors, trees and gifts even way before Santa decides who’s been naughty or nice. Filipinos are naturally a few steps ahead of the seasons, so if the Pinoy home is already decked out with the season’s trimmings, what more our malls? 

We were present when the Mega Fashion Hall’s center activity area was draped in tarpaulins to conceal the grand reveal of what was to come for kids and kidults this Christmas season. December, being the year ender, is always reserved for surprises and other grand things to give away — the season is about giving and giving back. We have all worked hard the past 11 months and it’s time to end the year with a bang. 

Most people have varying reactions on how to end a year that was filled with ups and downs (as with all years) but I have always been an advocate of doing it with positivity and productivity — only then will you be able to reap the benefits that the future may bring, and it’s relatively easier and lighter, too!

Symbolic tree lighting

The afternoon started with a kiddie choir serenading the guests with their cherubic voices. There’s really something about hearing innocent children singing songs with a vocal range that reminds you to keep in touch with the kid within in preparation for the gifts of the season. Start fresh to start the beginning of the end, so you can start a new chapter with the best way possible. Why not, right? 

There was the symbolic Christmas tree lighting at the center of the Mega Fashion Hall. Yes, this was a 60-foot-tall tree with a fashion carousel as its foundation at the bottom — an apt centerpiece that is both grand and stirs childhood memories to represent a mall that is all-encompassing and takes things to the next level.



The big surprise? A private performance by the group Hi-5, followed by a meet-and-greet. Now to the uninitiated, Hi-5 may sound like a juice drink of a name of a government road, but for the kids, Hi-5 is their One Direction, their Backstreet Boys or their Madonna. In other words, god!

The Sunday filled with surprises ended with more spot-on prizes, celeb sightings and Hi-5 high fives. It was such a precious sight seeing parents beaming with joy seeing their kids having the time of their lives watching a kiddie pop concert, and then later on having a photo op with their kids’ idols. It was priceless.

So if Christmas starts earlier than usual over here on our shores — then so be it!

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More observations on life and beyond at @officialtimyap on both Instagram and Twitter.

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