What calms you down?

Keeping calm when you’re upset is hard to do. But as time goes by, we can learn how to control our emotions. The choice is in our hands — do we give in to the angry dragon or do we choose to calm down and control our emotions to avoid unwarranted situations?

Personally, it’s still a learning process, but I’m also happy about how I’ve fared so far in dealing with stressful situations and anger. Praying the rosary has also given me the equilibrium I needed. It’s worked so well for me that I can’t start my day without prayers. Read on as some personalities share with us what calms them down.

Samantha Rodriguez, Bench endorser and travel blogger

What really calms me is traveling. May it be a plane ride out of the country or an hour’s drive to Tagaytay, there’s just something about getting away from the busy and fast-paced streets of Manila that gives me the kind of peace I need to calm my mind. I suppose it’s because traveling creates time for quiet reflection. From long hours at the airport waiting to board, to long hours of actual travel time, I use these moments to do the things I wouldn’t normally have time to do given my busy work schedule — read a book, watch a series, or even just space out. Of course, there is also no better place to find solace than in a whole new relaxing environment.

New activities, new adventures, new food, new discoveries — all of these “new” and “different” experiences allow my mind to rest from my regular routine which may be associated with stress. Being in a new place reminds me that there is a bigger world out there, bigger than all my petty problems. By the time I arrive home after a few days of being away, I am usually fully recharged and ready to take the week by storm. 

Anne Santos, brand manager, Rustan Commercial Corporation

In the middle of a stressful day, I take a step back and think of only beautiful and happy things to remind me of what my life should be about. Personally, I love to keep myself updated on beauty and fashion trends (that keeps me sane!), which luckily, is part of my job. I always keep a photo of my nephew, Migoy, and niece, Ally, and seeing their smiling faces helps me get through my day. Life should not be spent worrying about the future, instead you should relish every minute of today.

Miriam Quiambao-Roberto, TV personality/ former beauty queen

Usually, my first resort is prayer. I say a quick SOS prayer in times when I experience challenges. I truly believe that God gives wisdom to those who ask for it and relying upon the strength of the Lord makes things a whole lot easier. When things get heated up, I do some deep breathing, take a break and a walk outside to help calm me down in times of stress.

Aisa Atilano, pastry chef

There is something calming about baking — from the measurement, to the mixing, to the actual baking. The smell of butter, sugar, vanilla and chocolate blending together is simply soothing.

Marco Protacio, businessman

A 500-microgram tablet of Alprazolam (Xanor or Xanax) swallowed with absolute faith in knowing that through prayers and the power of God and the divine universe, all will be well.

Harold Geronimo, head of public relations and communications, Megaworld

Travel and gym. Whenever stress hits me, I go somewhere I can relax my mind. I love discovering places, eating good food and chilling even if I’m alone. For a quick fix, I work out and transfer everything that’s bothering me to the weights. If both are impossible to do, then a power nap is the best alternative to calm myself down. In order to clear my thoughts, I close my eyes even just for five minutes, breathe deeply and then I’m okay. I personally call this my “grounding exercise.”

Edward Puno, businessman and Fuda Cancer Hospital country representative

Hanging around with people who are calm calms me down.

Ton Lao, celebrity stylist

I’m very close to my family especially to my parents. Seeing them happy and comfortable in how are they living now makes me calm.

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