What is the best line your father has told you?

Every time my dad talks I listen. Every word he says, every story he shares with us, every advice he gives proves to be right all the time. I can sit down all day just listening to him.  I count him and my mom as the biggest blessings in my life. 

Some say celebrations were created so retailers and malls can earn. I say why not? Celebrations are our way of showing how grateful we are for all the happy moments and special people who have made a positive difference in our life. And Father’s Day is one of those events that call for a celebration.

I have asked some personalities to share with us what’s the best line their father had told them. Read on as they give us the lines that have touched their lives.

Senator JV Ejercito

Dad: Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada

“Since you are now in government, should you make a choice, always choose what will be for the greater good of the greatest    number.”

Enrique “Kit”

Cojuangco Jr., Vice-Governor, Tarlac

Dad: Congressman

Enrique “Henry” Cojuangco,  1st District, Tarlac

“No permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.”

Margarita Locsin Chan,

banker and feelance writer

Dad: Teddyboy Locsin

“I gave you my looks, you just expanded on it.”

Beaver Lopez, businessman

Dad: Manolo Lopez,

Philippine Ambassador to Japan

“I love you.”  It’s not often that a father expresses this to a son.  My father does.  Not only through words but through genuine action. My siblings and I are truly blessed with a father who has always put God and family above all else.

Isabel M. Francisco, student,

Columbia University, Barnard College

Dad: Dr. Randy Francisco

One of the many lessons that I have learned from my dad is that of appreciation. He taught me and continues to teach me, to appreciate the people in my life, the things in my life, the environment around me and the situations I find myself in, but most importantly, he teaches me to never view the world through jaded eyes.

Kathleen Dy-Go, managing director, Universal Records, Philippines

Dad: Dr. James G. Dy

When I was so much younger, my dad gave me one piece of advice that I have never forgotten: “Never depend on anyone but yourself.” Before that point, I really thought things would come my way easily and on a silver platter. That piece of advice challenged me, and made me realize that I wanted to make something out of myself, not minding the obstacles and hardships that came my way. Looking back, it wasn’t really independence that I fought hard for, it was the opportunity to be proud of myself, and for my family to be proud of my accomplishments without losing sight of my life’s primary role — to be a supportive wife and loving mother to my children.

Patricia Bermudez Hizon, sportscaster, associate executive director of Philpop

Dad: Engineer Claro Bermudez

 â€œThat’s okay, baby.” Simple. Just like my dad. He isn’t  much for words. His favorite line is “That’s okay, baby,” which he would say in varying tones, depending on the situation. When I was growing up, he would say that to me and my sis a lot through challenges, and after apologies. He would say it enthusiastically when we need affirmation. He would say it with a lot of love whenever our spirits are down because of failure. He said it when I scraped my knees from playing, when I wanted to use his credit card to go shopping, when I called him long distance after I had my heart broken.  And he even said it after I asked for his blessing to get my own place.  Now that I have kids of  my own, I find myself echoing my dad’s best line a lot to my two little boys and I am reminded of him. I remember when he called me from Canada and told me he had cancer. I was a mess but he said, “That’s okay, baby,” and it showed me his courage, positive faith and fighting spirit.

Looie Lobregat

Dad: Congressman Celso Lobregat Jr., Zamboanga City

Best line that my father has told me is that the right way will not always be the easy way but it will bring genuine satisfaction. You may make enemies along the way but your real friends will understand your decisions. Now that my father is back in Congress and lives in Manila again, my brother and I are very happy we get to spend quality time with him. I enjoy it when he comes over to the house to relax and spend time with my son.

Lawyer Jopet Sison, co-host,

Ipaglaban Mo, ABS CBN

Dad: Lawyer Jose Sison

Of the many words of wisdom I received from my Dad, one line was constant: “Pray always!”

Ahmed Ibn Turabin Hataman, student

Dad: Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao Regional Gov. Mujiv Hataman

“Be with the people.”

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