Director’s Club: “30 Seats all of them La-Z Boys”

Director’s Club photo by Elka M.

I watched "Man of Steel" with my parents and sister that time. I didn't like the movie the first time I saw it. Thinking that I probably missed some things, I agreed to see it again. But the primary reason why I said yes was because we were watching at The Director's Club.

There are only 30 seats in this cinema, all of them being La-Z-Boys. The seats are pided into five rows of six pairs, with an aisle in between each duo. The aisles are sufficiently wide and spacious, even when the leg rests of the seats are extended out. A small table &p;for food and drinks is beside each La-Z-Boy pair.

Given the comfort of this setup, the tickets should come with a warning like this: "CAUTION: This establishment is not recommended for people with narcoleptic tendencies." Because if the movie has slow parts, you may doze off. It's a bit chilly inside, so bring a jacket if you end up watching here.


Original review written on June 19, 2013. Read more customer reviews about Director’s Club on looloo.

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