Jobless at 42

Dear Nanay,

I’m one of the many readers who follow your column in the Philippine STAR. I look forward to your pieces of advice because they are practical, sincere and helpful. I may not be able to relate to some of the readers’ problems, but I still make it a point to read it.

I wrote not because of a problem but because I would like to ask for your help. I would like very much to apply to your company, National Book Store. In fact, I have sent my resume several times but was never contacted. I think it’s because of my age (I’m 42 years old and single) and background (I used to work in a bank for many years but last year it was bought by another bank). I have been unemployed for two months now.

Being single, having a job is my security but it’s so hard to find another job because, whether I like it or not, age is a factor and sometimes experience, dedication and skills are not enough anymore. I love reading, Nanay, and National Book Store is my favorite place in every mall. Just being inside the store keeps me warm and happy especially during Christmas season. Thank you and may God bless you with His abundant blessings.  — A                                              

Dear A,

Thank you for your interest in working at National Book Store. However, as you said, perhaps there is just no match between your background and our current needs.

However, I do want to tell you not to lose hope. If you really want to find a job, keep applying for openings especially in the industry where your background is. In your case, you should look more into banks and other financial institutions. Keep in touch with your old contacts and see if they know of any openings in the banks where they are working. You should regularly look at the classified ads. Post your résumé online in the various websites and respond to wanted ads from banks. Look at your skills and experience. Think about other industries that might need the skills that you have. Sino pa ang mangangailangan ng taong katulad mo? (Who else would need someone with your experience?) And then you tailor your résumé to match the needs of the potential employer.

Just because you were rejected once, twice or even 10 times does not mean there is no job out there for you. You just have to find it. And sometimes finding it takes time and effort. So do not give up.

Good luck in your job search!



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How bullying changes lives

Dear Nanay,

I read about the letter of Loving Mom in your column entitled “Bullying Can Lead to Suicide.” I have to agree that bullying is serious and should not be taken for granted. The story of Millie is an eye-opener that only proves how bullying can result in something disastrous. Truth be told, while many victims choose to end their lives to finally end the pain they feel inside, others become bullies themselves just to retaliate. Many also drastically change into someone they are not and completely live a life in isolation just to stay away from the tormenting world of bullying. How dreadful!

Despite all these things, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. To all those being bullied, never be discouraged! You are never alone in this world even if you think otherwise. Try to think of your loved ones as well as other people who share a similar situation with you. Won’t your family and friends be devastated if you leave them? Who knows, you may be the reason behind the smiles of other people — even strangers who possibly look up to you. Mean people never succeed in the end. But good people always win and have the last laugh.

Nanay, I really do hope and pray that all those who are experiencing the painful ordeal of bullying will soon recover and face life with great courage. This is why all of us must always be cautious with our words and actions. What may be funny to one person may not be funny to another. If we have nothing good to say about a certain person, it is better that we keep our comments to ourselves.


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If you have a question, email us at or just drop your letter at drop boxes in all National Book Store branches nationwide.





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