Pain management?

Last week, I met Dr. Christian Mancao — a chronic pain specialist in Quezon City. His clinic is actually in Ortigas. I was intrigued by him because when I told him that for months my son had been suffering from headaches, he said he would be able to fix it in seconds and it wouldn’t come back for years! Wow... That’s a heavy claim.

I excitingly called up my son and told him to rush to the doctor’s office. 

When my son came there, he had him sit on a chair and then twisted his neck, pressed his back and showed me how his body is not aligned. One arm is longer than the other. One leg stretches further than the other. The whole process must have taken less than five minutes. 

My son said he helped significantly with his neck and shoulder tension.

What was impressive was the length of time taken to yield such good results. 

He then asked me to sit down on the chair, and he did a few jerks with my body, which took me quite by surprise.

What surprised me even more was how I felt after. I meditate and my desire in the day is to be able to be attuned to higher energies. What happened with the few movements of Dr. Mancao was an energy shift occurred inside me. Since I am healthy I didn’t feel any dramatic physical changes. What I did feel was a shift in subtle energy flows. 
He said he had just barely scratched the surface so he requested Roberto to go to his office for a more thorough treatment. The second time around Roberto was there about 30 minutes. Dr. Mancao worked on his back. The attendant worked on his back. I also decided to go to his office.

My take: the human organism is like architecture. When the architecture is aligned and in the right position, the energy flows unhindered and the body and the spirit benefit. When, due to stress or other reasons, the body gets misaligned, it creates energy blockages and that’s when many problems come into play. 

In his office I decided to interview him further. His story is intriguing.

In Riyadh he was the chief of a clinic for nine years! He then came back to the Philippines because there was an impending war with Kuwait and he did not want to be there (in what was later known as Operation Desert Storm). 

He was then invited to go back there because after nine years he had learned a decent command of the language. He had to address the situation where there were all these pain problems so he developed a system of removing pain without any medication — just by adjusting, through simple manipulations.

Now in his clinic he has machines that use heat, and what seemed to me like electrodes to further remove muscle tension. 

The man is interesting. He initiated the First National Hilot Practitioners’ Conference for PITAHC (Philippine Institute for Traditional and Alternative Health Care).

As we were chatting, he lamented that the medical field has become more of a business than a commitment to the Hippocratic Oath of Caring. The pharmaceutical industry is this big business. The data he cited is alarming: prescriptions are the fourth leading cause of death of Americans. So he himself is not keen on taking drugs. In fact when he heard that I help the indigenous people of Palawan with VCO, he told me he has FCO. FCO? That’s Fresh Coconut Oil. He gave me a bottle and I am currently using it. It’s really good. The difference is quite subtle but it does seem more potent than VCO.

 The FCO process is shorter than VCO. To get the final product takes a maximum of two hours. The moisture content is minimal so it has a long shelf life.

He currently gets his FCO from Lanao. It is a little pricier than VCO because the process is more costly. It’s important that the coconut does not drop from the tree. If the shell cracks there is the danger of bacterial contamination. So they tie the coconuts with a rope and drop it down slowly. They only use the big nuts. 

Dr. Mancao handles chronic pain, migraines, neck pains, frozen shoulders and painful shoulders, and operable lower back pain. I once had a problem with my cervical spine to the point that one doctor recommended surgery. I have been able to address my problem by using natural means. Dr. Mancao says he can address the cervical spine by repositioning the joints to its original position. It causes straightening of the spine to align with the neck. He says he can address most issues in one or two treatments. He has been able to help my son and he did have an effect on me.

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I am pleased that more and more people are turning to alternative care. I don’t take any medicine or prescriptions and I am surviving. My recipe? Diligence in terms of what I put in my body: no white sugar, white flour, deep fried foods, pork, beef, chemicals, pesticides. I am constantly reading the ingredients in everything that I buy. I have really good water at home. I use Kangen. It’s the best by far of anything I have ever had. 

I skip breakfast because I like to stay light in the morning... and I try to eat light at night if at all. I eat minimal carbs, exercise regularly, and meditate daily. Right now I am doing the bio-identical plant hormones from Rapha Medical. I oil pull twice daily (swishing VCO in the mouth, with drops of oregano and clove for anti-bacterial purposes). I drink 1.5 tbsp of VCO twice daily, I take enzymes, I eat yoghurt and guyabano twice daily. I don’t even use toothpaste to brush my teeth. I use special salt and baking soda. I just mix it myself. It’s been extremely effective in addressing tooth problems. I even mix my toner myself: 1:1 apple cider vinegar and filtered water, with drops of organic essential oils. 

I want to live strong and healthy — and when it’s time to go, it’s time to go. I want to be strong until that day — living a highly-productive life. 

That’s my game plan. So far so good. Because I am happier inside, I feel healthier than when I was in my teens. Life is good. It’s how we maneuver and what we make of it that determines our sense of fulfillment. My advice? Go for it. Physical health is crucial. It’s the base. So stay healthy. Make the right choices. Your life is what you make of it. It is yours to lead. Lead it well. 

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You may contact Dr. Mancao at 494-4940 or 0922-8485460 or e-mail him at Ask for a bottle of FCO. I am enjoying my bottle.

I can be reached at

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