Is there a one-stop Christmas shop?

Dear Nanay,

Christmas is fast approaching again and it is time for us to be preparing gifts for our loved ones. And every year I am faced with the same dilemma. I do not have much time to shop and as bad as it may sound, I need to do all my Christmas shopping in one stop. And yes, I always end up with generic Christmas gifts like baskets or fruitcakes. Do you have any gift suggestions that are not so generic but easier to acquire? — Christmas Panic


Dear Christmas Panic,

This is a problem we all have during the holiday season. What Christmas gift to give to who? And with our busy lives, I can completely understand what you are going through as we hardly have time for ourselves anymore.

Having said that, have you ever considered books as a gift? You can do all your Christmas shopping in one stop and the best part is, there is a book for everyone. Additionally, by giving books, you also encourage reading in general and that can only be a good thing.

Good luck!



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A teenager’s love of books

Dear Nanay,

This is a letter in response to the letter sent to you by your reader Nova.

Just like you Nanay, it makes me so happy when I hear (or read!) about our youth who love to read books like me. I am a librarian and I became one because of my love for books. I just love to be surrounded by books. And as that old saying goes … do what you love, and even if the money doesn’t follow, at least you are doing what you love! And I love books.

As you said, Nanay, it is very scary for our youth today because of all the distractions being provided by everything on video and on the Internet. There are so many distractions that can take away from reading. And reading is the foundation of education and the core or learning. How can we call ourselves educated when we cannot even read? We as parents owe it to our children to secure their future by making sure they can read.

As you say, Nanay … Read more! Know more! Earn more! — Jennifer


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