The importance of clarity

More and more I feel that one of the most essential qualities needed for navigating life is clarity. The ability to see, unencumbered by one’s baggage, undue influences, one’s sneaky desires that are actually off-tangent.

Clarity. Seeing life as it is. Seeing you as you. Which also means seeing the “you” that can be! That’s key. A positive “can do” flavor is always good. If it’s not there then the clarity to see why it’s not there is advisable. Sometimes people are negative without being aware that they are.

Clarity is an ability that one has to work at with persistence. Having friends around to help always helps as long as they are not burdened by the baggage of their own faulty perceptions. The first prerequisite is a non-chaotic inner space. If it’s messy with thoughts and emotions it will be hard to “see clearly.” Just like when one is driving: if the windshield is dirty and there is a lot of noise in the car, then one cannot guide the car in the right direction.

Life is like that. I remember once I met this gentleman. We were both awardees at a certain event. He seemed to me humble and gracious. I liked the “feeling” about him. Months later I sat beside him. He had a high-ranking job in government. I was struck by how much his energy had changed. He felt “heavy.” The genuineness had gone. He probably wasn’t aware of it. He was so steeped in his duties that perhaps in his desire to serve his boss, he may have gone off-tangent on certain principles. I know of another lady who has also changed markedly. Her stint in politics has made her so plastic. I am sure she is not even aware of it. Politics is like a lion’s den. One has to be really strong spiritually to stay true. One has to be able to see clearly.

Without clarity — and you may not even know it — you may be messing up your life big-time. This is why a habit of incisive reflection and humble renewal is key. Especially for people in power. Actually for anyone who wants to live a life of integrity. I say especially for people in power because if these individuals mess up, they don’t just aggravate their own lives, they do injustice to the lives of thousands.

I know because when I am not well, I mess things up for a lot of people. So I try to be really careful about health.

In my own personal life I have been in situations where I thought I was doing the right thing. But on looking further, there was an “arrogant control person” lurking in the background of my consciousness that was maneuvering my decisions. It’s good to catch these things before they get out of hand. Keen awareness is needed. I “work” regularly with friends who have amazing vision but will call me on my “B.S.” because they genuinely care.

We all have “demons,” and one needs clarity to see them, so as to navigate our lives in the right direction.

I have found when one is clear about oneself, one becomes clear about others. My sense about people has become increasingly sharp. I can feel if someone is “clean” “upfront,” or just wants to “play.” As I sharpen my intuitive perceptions on myself, intuitive perceptions of others also become honed. Clarity is a muscle. if you exercise it, you can use it for decision making, for planning, for a host of necessary worldly activity.

You can use clarity to navigate your way to joy, to peace, to harmony. It’s a great tool! It means having a rhythm to life. It does require practice, though.

So in this line I would like to invite you to a one-day meditation workshop in Tagaytay. This is followed by a five-day practice of learning how to navigate one’s subconscious. It is intense but it can also be liberating. The workshop is being conducted by Michele Goeldi who has been doing this almost 20 years. If you want more information, please call Michelle at 0927-6658071 or reserve for the workshop at If you are still not sure what this is all about you can attend a free lecture and short meditation practice at Rockwell, North Function Room, Luna Garden on May 1 from 4 to 6 p.m. Registration is at 3:30 p.m. I will be there.

I’ve been doing these practices for about 10 years now. My life has shifted tremendously. Try it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

More on ‘sibuyan: the lady calls’

There are group packages to discover Sibuyan. You can also choose to take on the whole island for a company team-building session, a party, whatever. And we can tailor the cost according to the number of people and the activities you want to have. Just tell us your itinerary, and we will cost it accordingly. The funds generated go back to the community. The commitment is to eradicate poverty through care of the environment. My passion and my joy continues to be caring for the environment.

It’s not five-star accommodations. But the island is so beautiful it more than makes up for the minor inconveniences that come from a start-up project.

To get there, you can travel by sea, or if you are interested in going by air straight to Sibuyan, and are willing to pay the additional cost, please let us know so we can book you.

For reservations call Dan Intong 0917-5759694 or e-mail

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I can be reached at

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