Should we adopt a child?

Dear Nanay,

We have been married for seven years now and obviously we are not getting any younger. We are not yet old but, of course, we also want to have a baby. So far we have not been successful. So we are looking at the option of adopting. But we both have our insecurities and we do not know if we would love the child as much as we would love our own. What do you think of adoption as an option for a childless couple like us?

Mr. And Mrs. Smith


Dear Mr. And Mrs. Smith

Adoption is not an easy choice to make and I think there could be any number of reasons a couple can choose to adopt.

For some, perhaps like yourselves, it is an option when you are unable to have a child of your own. But don’t forget that there are many couples who can have children but choose to adopt. For them, I think, adoption is also a way to help give a child the brighter future and love that they deserve. Just think about how your adopting an orphan can help change that child’s life and future.

Having said that, perhaps you should talk to some people who have experience in dealing with parents who adopt. Talk to the people who run orphanages or the DSWD. Maybe they can help enlighten you on what the issues are, what the expectations for adopting parents are, and what you have to consider before you choose to adopt a child. They can probably help you think about your situation and determine if you are a couple who should adopt a child or not.

Raising a child — your own or adopted — is no joke. Parenthood is probably the biggest responsibility any of us will ever have. “Having” a child is sometimes out of your control. But “adopting” one is 100 percent under your control. So when you do decide to do it, make sure that you are also 100 percent ready to take on the immense responsibility that comes with it.



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Promote Both Filipino And English

Dear Nanay,

I just want to contribute to the ongoing discussion and debate on whether we should promote English or Filipino. There will be passionate arguments on both sides. But the truth be told, there is no answer! 

We live in a world that is getting smaller and smaller. If we want to compete with the rest of the world, we need to learn English! Do you think the people in America, Europe or China care about Filipino? No, they don’t! Even people in other countries are doing everything they can to learn foreign languages especially Chinese today. It is like when everyone was trying to learn Japanese in the ‘90s. And look, even the Koreans are coming to the Philippines — to do what? To learn English! We cannot live in a world without English when everything is in that language. Television, news, Internet, etc., etc.

However, we are Filipinos. We live in the Philippines. How can we possibly let our culture and heritage die? We cannot. Therefore, we must promote the learning of our national language. Filipino! Most of our population still uses Filipino and not English as their primary and first language. How will you be a leader in your own country when you cannot even speak to the people? When nobody can understand you? How will you succeed?

Obviously, you cannot promote one language at the expense of the other. I think the key is to promote them both. We actually have the advantage of being a bilingual culture. Even abroad, the ability to speak a foreign language is considered an asset. Many Filipinos can speak two or even three languages and dialects. We should be proud of this. And we should not promote one language to the exclusion of another. We should promote both English and Filipino as this is one of the keys to our country’s success.


University Professor

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