Encouraging kids to do small acts of charity

Dear Nanay,

Because it is the season of our Lord’s birthday, I always try to encourage my children to do small acts of charity. The whole year they try to put aside some of their allowance and whatever savings they have, and at the end of the year they always give part of this to a worthy cause. The amount is not that much but we feel that it is really the thought that counts and hopefully this will build a habit for our kids, which they will maintain as adults.

Every year, the children select a cause they want to support and this year they want to make a donation to National Book Store Foundation because they want to help support reading projects and build libraries. May I have the contact information of your foundation so that we can make a donation? Or is there any other way we can get the money to you?

Again, the amount is not that big but hopefully your foundation can put it to good use. Merry Christmas and may you have many more years of prosperity so that you can continue to help others.                                                — Mae

Dear Mae, 

Thank you for your holiday wishes and your letter. You may get in touch with the National Book Store Foundation at nbsfi@nationalbookstore.com.ph or at tel. no. 631-8061, local 111.

Alternatively, if it is more convenient for you, we have an ongoing program in all our stores called “Project Aklat.” This program we run every Christmas season allows people to purchase and donate books in any of our stores. These books are then donated to various needy schools and libraries around the Philippines. The books are very reasonably priced and even a couple of hundred pesos will already buy three or four books.

While we are on the subject of Project Aklat, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made a donation as it looks like we are going to achieve a record number of donations this year. Thank you, everyone! Your donation will not be wasted and will go a long way in contributing to our country’s education and future.



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Don’t worry about the weight, be merry

Dear Nanay,

Your letter writer “I Am Too Big” should remember that Christmas should be merry! In other words, don’t keep worrying about your weight. Big is beautiful! Do not obsess. Of course, you should still listen to your doctor … something we are all probably guilty of not doing enough of!

I am also a plus-sized person and I used to think that I needed to lose weight all the time. The pressure would mount especially during the Christmas season when there are parties, get-togethers, dinners and lunches, and eating seems to be a never-ending activity. But don’t despair, there is always the New Year to diet!

I think Nanay is correct when she says that the key is “everything in moderation.” Going to party after party is inevitable. So what you should really do is to eat and drink in moderation. As Nanay says, hinay-hinay lang. And then the only thing left to do is to be merry!

 — I Am Not Too Big

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If you have a question, email us at asknanay@nationalbookstore.com.ph or just drop your letter at drop boxes in all National Book Store branches nationwide.

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