Lovi Poe loves books on heroines

Talented actress Lovi Poe opens her latest movie Aswang in theaters nationwide on Nov. 2.

Always with a book in hand in between promoting or shooting, I asked Lovi to share her favorite books with us.

“My favorite books have female characters whom I would love to play one day,” she said.

They are:

1. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. “The love story of Cathy and Heathcliff was stormy and traumatic, yet it can be real. I was devastated.”

2. Tess of the D’urbervilles by Thomas Hardy. “The innocence of a young girl destroyed and poisoned by the people around her was such a sad and unforgettable story. My heart went out to her.”

3. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. “Truly an epic romance.” 

4. Scruples by Judith Krants. “It’s like a glamorous 20th century Cinderella story that I would love to be in.”

5. Anne of a Thousand Days by Edward Fenton. “A historical love affair between a king and an ambitious and brave young woman, so very much like me.”

6. Queenie by Michael Korda. “Again, I love glamour and rags-to-riches stories.”

7. Emma by Jane Austen. “Very witty and funny.”

8. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and…

9. Beloved by Tony Morrison. “These two novels had strong characters. I want to be like them.”

10. Coma by Robin Cook. “A clever thriller, just like Nancy Drew goes to the hospital.”

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All these books are available at National Bookstore and Powerbooks branches.

For questions and suggestions, I can be reached at gr.rodis@yahoo.com.

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