Move over, Pajero bishops - the ultimate thrill is flying private jets!

I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things.  — Antoine de Saint-Exupery

O! for a horse with wings!  — William Shakespeare 

Confess your sins and repent, “Pajero bishops,” for getting funds from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes (PCSO) to buy luxury vehicles or sports utility vehicles (SUVs). Unlike President Noynoy Aquino whose former pre-owned Porsche was bought with his own money, the so-called Pajero bishops have unfairly besmirched the reputation of the Roman Catholic Church and should be punished like anyone else for wasting public funds intended to aid the poor.

From Horses And Cars To Private Jets And Choppers

It seems the ultimate thrill of the truly super-rich or powerful on this planet is not just owning the best vehicles, like they did horses in ancient times, it’s now flying in one’s own plane or chopper.

By the way, speaking of clerics and politicos with luxury vehicles, this writer heard tales from our paternal kin that when my great-great-grandfather Dy Han Kia died, the family’s 19th-century lumber and other businesses in Manila were managed by his nephew with the nickname Lao-Ah-Si. This wayward great-grand uncle led a high life and owned a four-horse carriage — reportedly only one of three such grand horse carriages in colonial Manila, the two others owned by the powerful Archbishop of Manila and the other by the Spanish Governor-General.

In the 20th century, horses and cars gave way to aviation. Coincidentally, on this date, July 10, in 1938, US tycoon Howard Hughes set a headline-making new record by completing a 91-hour airplane flight around the world. Remember Leonardo DiCaprio’s 2004 movie The Aviator?

I can’t forget my very first ever helicopter ride two decades ago. It was to accompany the late Tan Yu’s daughter Dr. Emilia “Bien-Bien” Roxas-Yang to fly on a Sikorsky helicopter owned by Daewoo Group from Seoul to the Okpo shipyard, in order to meet legendary South Korean taipan Kim Woo-Choong of Daewoo over a sashimi lunch. 

Several years ago, tycoon Cito Lorenzo of Lapanday invited me to fly his Lear jet to Cagayan de Oro City, then from there we flew his Cessna plane to see the Del Monte plantations that his family used to own. 

One of my funniest plane rides ever was a few years ago with then Fil-Estate boss Toti Cariño on an old Russian plane being sold to him by a Western dealer. We tried it together with Santa Lucia Realty boss Exequiel “Exy” Robles on a flight from Manila to Boracay. The air-con conked out while we were on air, and we arrived like steamed chickens inside an oven, and I’m 100-percent sure Toti Cariño junked that Russian plane being sold to him!

Recently, a respected business leader explained that although not a few people consider owning a private plane or a helicopter as the ultimate status symbol of wealth and power, many business people actually consider flying a practical necessity for running their businesses.

MVP, Danding, Ramon Ang, Ricky Razon Are Kings Of The Skies

Who are the Philippine business leaders with the best planes and helicopters? Here are some based on our random interviews of several flying enthusiasts and various top businessmen:

• Manuel “Manny” V. Pangilinan of PLDT, Smart, TV5, Meralco, Philex Mining etc. seems to use the very best helicopters among Philippine tycoons. He reportedly uses a brand-new Augusta Wesland helicopter, costing about $11 million to $12 million each. This workaholic is still in his office past midnight, so he really needs helicopters!

• Eduardo “Danding” Cojuangtco Jr. of San Miguel Corporation reportedly owns a Falcon plane worth maybe $15 million.

• Ramon Ang of San Miguel Corp. and Petron last year had a new Bombadier Global Express delivered. He reportedly got a new Boeing 737 jet airliner worth about $80 billion two months ago, and it’s in the San Miguel hangar in the airport.

• Enrique “Ricky” Razon Jr. of port operator ICTSI reportedly has a G450 Gulfstream Challenger private jet arriving soon, costing between $35 and $40 million! This is the best large-cabin, long-range business jet in its class. It can fly from Tokyo to Seattle at a speed of .80 Mach. Between 14 and 18 passengers can ride comfortably in the Gulfstream 450’s 1,525-cubic-foot cabin. It also has upgraded Rolls-Royce Tay Mk 611-8C engines.

• The Zamoras of Nickel Asia and politics reportedly own a Lear jet worth over $10 million.

• Jose “Pepito” Ch. Alvarez of Cagayan de Oro City’s impressive water works has a Lear jet.

• Jose Mari Chan, of sugar mills and music records with Platinum or Diamond Record Awards, this year reportedly acquired a new private jet — a white, nine-seater Air 350i Beachcraft costing about $7 million.

• The Zobel-Ayala family owns a simple King Air 350 jet, as well as Eurocopter choppers costing about $6 million each.

• The Lopez family reportedly owns a King Air 350, costing between $3 and $4 million.

• Henry Sy and family own a King Air plane worth about $4 million, which three tycoons explained to me “is the most practical, because it can land everywhere, unlike other planes, which can land only in international airports.”

• Lucio Tan has been flying with his helicopters for decades, for efficiency and speed in his numerous business meetings. He uses Eurocopters, which cost $3 to $4 million each. He once had his helicopter fetch me in Quezon City, then bring me to Makati; then we flew together to his Century Park Hotel in Manila.

• The Madrigal family has an Augusta helicopter.

• Archie King of Victoria Court chain has an Augusta 109 power helicopter.

• The Manalo family of Iglesia ni Cristo has two Augusta helicopters. 

• Joey Concepcion of RFM Corp. and the Go Negosyo NGO has a Eurocopter helicopter.

• Robbie Delgado has a Eurocopter.

• Jorge Araneta has a Eurocopter.

• Senator Manny Villar uses helicopters, but usually charters planes instead of owning a private jet.

• The Aboitiz family reportedly owns a small King Air jet worth about $4 million.

Willie Revillame, TV5 host, owns a Dornier jet worth $3 million, which he bought from the Consunji family.

•  Chavit Singson, Ilocos Sur governor, reportedly has a Dornier plane worth from $3 million to $4 million, which he lent to his son’s former girlfriend, actress Lovi Poe, twice for her to fly to Ilocos Norte province to shoot the movie Temptation Island.

•  Elizaldy “Zaldy” Co, Misibis Bay Resort and Midas Hotel owner, reportedly owns a small old Falcon plane worth about $2 million.

A tycoon told me: “Most Flipino Chinese entrepreneurs and taipans prefer not to own private jets, but look at John Gokongwei, Jr. and Lucio Tan, they own the biggest airlines Cebu Pacific Air and Philippine Airlines.”

Gokongwei once told me that his boyhood dream before was to be a fighter pilot, maybe this is one reason he is in aviation?

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