How relevant is royalty in the modern world?

After witnessing the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the life of royalty has captured the attention of the whole world once again. And no matter how modern our world has become, almost everyone still stops and shows interest to have a glimpse of the royal world. Royalty is still very much relevant and inspiring. Their lives are still worth watching. Traditions, old-world elegance, conservative ways, proper manners — qualities perceived to be lived by the royals — are all slowly disintegrating in our modern world and, hopefully, as we peek into their lives they can once again set the bar for our modern world to emulate.

Daphne Oseña Paez, TV host and producer, Urban Zone

Two billion people were expected to watch this wedding. I’d say royalty’s still a bit relevant. With William and Kate being the face of the new monarchy, this brings renewed interest to their role. I’m personally excited about the wedding. It’s like a fairy tale. As a mom of three young daughters, I’m making this a little event at home. We’re playing dress-up while watching the wedding. As a citizen of Canada, a member of the British Commonwealth, I consider Queen Elizabeth II relevant for tradition and as a symbol of unity. Canada’s a relatively young country and it was formed in part by monarchy and democracy. We have the photo of the Queen on our coins, in schools and hockey rinks. All politicians, military, police and fire fighters swear allegiance to the Queen in their oath. In university and during weddings, we toast to the Queen. Though the monarch’s role is more like a figurehead, I like ceremonial stuff like that.

Nicole Whisenhunt, international jewelry designer

Since most monarchs no longer govern their countries, their relevance to the modern world is mainly to preserve history, culture and tradition. Royalty is an institution and its importance is symbolical. I love the royal family for their history and customs, while their glamour and scandals are always quite intriguing!

Tom Epperson, photographer

It’s obvious the role of monarchs, monarchies and royal families is not what they were years long ago, but that does not mean they are still not relevant in the modern world. I think most of us believe that the days of political power de facto of their birth are over but I do not think the concept of royalty is dead or irrelevant. Some royal families still serve in the political sphere but also serve their nation with support for charitable causes and appeals. One such cause is Prince William’s Call to Arms campaign. This is an exemplary way for royal families to use their inherited wealth and status for the furtherance of social issues and the betterment of mankind. If we can look past all of the palaces, priceless jewels, dresses, and carriages, royal families are an institution that is central to the nation, both politically and socially.

Yvette Ocampo, singer and chief of staff of Manila Rep. Sandy Ocampo

Being an incurable romantic, I know royalty will always be relevant in the modern world because I am of the notion that there is a prince or princess inside all of us who believe in fairy tales.

Ino Manalo, director, National Archives of the Philippines

In countries like Thailand, the royal family helps define certain aspects of national identity. The King and Queen of Thailand are the best examples of the refinements valued by Thai society. They speak their national language elegantly, they are very familiar with Thai art and history. In a globalizing world I think that it is important for countries to have such markers that royalty provides.

Beatriz Jacinto Tuason, executive vice president, Rajah Broadcasting Inc.

Royalty is still relevant in the modern world to set an example of how to make the world a better place. By being role models, they can inspire all people to have traits that are considered royal, like good moral values, generosity, courtesy, and compassion. Each person can have royal traits to be an example of how to make the world a better place.

Rep. Anthony Golez, lone district of Bacolod City

The royalties and members of royal families symbolize their countries’ pride and heritage. To lose them in modern times is like losing their country’s pride and heritage. Many envy a country who has maintained its royal family because even to this present day, they can still play a vital role in nation-building and uniting their people.

Roberto S. Cuenca, president, Capital Development Corp./Ferigate

Philippines Corp.

They are about as relevant as the decorative, but ultimately disposable, pictures hanging on my wall. If it were not for the romance and glamour that they conjure up in the imaginations of even the most jaded of people, there really is no place for them in the modern world. The royal wedding is a much-needed boost for a stale and parched institution that badly needs it after all the scandals that have beset it in the 27 years since the last royal wedding. That particular coupling almost undid the British monarchy because, as Christopher Hitchens (hoary old anti-monarchist that he is) says so blisteringly, “Some British people love their rather dumpy Hanoverian ruling house. This love takes the macabre form of demanding regular sacrifice whereby unexceptional people are condemned to lead wholly artificial and strained existences, and then punished or humiliated when they crack up.”

Ana Rocha, designer, Rocha Design Group

Anyone who has the power to generate interest has relevance.

Mia Borromeo, editor at large, Philippine Tatler

Though largely just symbolic and ceremonial figures today, royals can add a sense of history and nostalgia to a sometimes staid modern world.

Michele Sison, fashion designer

For as long as we deem tradition important, royalty will remain relevant. It is royalty’s role that has changed as people put more value to personal achievement than bloodline.

Leah Puyat, writer, entrepreneur

When I first got the question about modern times and royalty’s relevance, my first thought was, well, they’re just on the same level as actors, singers, athletes, and certain charismatic politicians.  But on that very same day, I saw a piece that William and Kate had requested their guests to donate to a special fund that would benefit the charities they supported.  And I also remembered that I had my own brush with royalty earlier this year, and that I was amazed how generous and gracious they were.  I was also moved by how much they loved their country, and just how much work they had done to move their country forward.  They showered my friends and me with so much largess that I thought, “It takes a true prince to make a girl feel like a princess.”  But more than that, I think human beings have to project their highest aspirations onto certain chosen ones, and in turn, they help us be the very best versions of ourselves.

Patricia Prieto, fashion blogger, fashion student and model

In my opinion, royalty is still relevant in this modern world of ours. It’s a little piece of history that we should respect. I’m pretty sure almost every girl out there hopes to be a princess and find her prince charming someday. But being treated as a princess doesn’t need titles and royalty. On another note, it is something important because being part of such a thing is a lot of responsibility. Together with these titles are obligations and responsibilities that they should adhere to and respect. The people who are part of monarchy have to remember that people look up to them as role models and so they have to be responsible with their actions. I think at this time and age, royalty is still relevant and it actually sounds very romantic, just like those fairy tales with kings, queens, princes and princesses.

Anna Sobrepeña, editor in chief, Lifestyle Asia

The monarchy has a historical significance particular to certain countries. While it no longer holds a primacy since the evolution of democratic institutions, it is part of a social fabric woven into the identity of a people.  The royal line today is in a privileged position to promote, support and contribute to current concerns. As they once led nations in governance, they can continue to lead in bringing the citizens of their country to a better place through civic, social and philanthropic pursuits. They determine their own relevance by how they use their privilege to touch other people’s lives.

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