Drinking the right water can help you prevent cancer

MANILA, Philippines - So many people neglect their health as they aspire to gain wealth. In the end, they spend  the wealth they’ve  accumulated to regain their health. Japanese scientists who have traced the cause of many health problems such as cancer to drinking the wrong kind of water, point this out as they urge people to drink only alkaline water. This is made possible by drinking  Kangen alkaline water which is produced by using the patented Enagic water machine, which is not cheap, but in the long run saves you money you would have spent for chemotherapy, dialysis, kidney transplants and other surgical operations.

Take the case of Irma Zepeda of the United States, a 49-year-old nutritionist who was diagnosed with melanoma in 2005 and with lymphatic cancer in 2006.There were three tumors near her throat, and she was afraid to undergo chemotherapy and radiation. She battled her cancer by drinking Kangen water and taking herbal supplements.

Frederique Mollet from Paris, France had big kidney stones and an inflamed kidney. She underwent two operations to remove her stones, and went through painkillers. Scheduled for another operation, she tried drinking Kangen water for a month upon a friend’s recommendation.The doctor told her: “Water’s not gonna do anything for you,” But then the doctor was amazed to discover that “her stones had been reduced like crazy!” She did not need any surgery anymore.

 Virginia Natividad of Quezon City used to suffer from acid reflux, heartburn and a burning pain in the chest. It was so hard for her just to eat anything. She used to have persistent sore throat. Her sister in the United States, Rebecca Molina, recommended that she try drinking Kangen water. After two weeks, all symptoms of her illness disappeared. She immediately bought a Kangen water machine.

How does alkaline water, specifically Kangen water, work to help prevent illness?

Cancer cells do not thrive in an alkaline environment. But they do in an acidic environment. Diets high in  processed foods today are acid-forming, as are prepared drinks like soda. Alkaline-formng foods consist of fresh, preferably organic, fruits and vegetables. Chronic long-term over-acidity is related to reduced resistance to colds, flu and respiratory problems, and can speed up the aging process.

Alkaline-forming (therefore anti-cancer) foods consist of fresh, preferably organic, fruits and vegetables. Alkaline water is also anti-cancer, as Japanese scientists concluded 30 years ago when they invented the Enagic machine producing Kangen alkaline water. This machine, the first and the original, is made of platinum and titanium. There have been many imitations, but only Kangen water from the patented and multi-awarded Enagic machine really works.

Aside from providing alkaline water, the machine has many buttons  for different uses. It is used for preventing wrinkles and falling hair. It can disinfect wounds and treat various skin problems. It can also be taken with medicine, and used for babies’ milk formula.It can sterilize fruits and vegetables.It can sanitize kitchens and bathrooms.

However, it should not be mistaken for a major alternative cancer treatment. What Kangen water does is  change your water to make it anti-cancer. How would I know so well? Because I am one of those who have battled cancer by shifting to Kangen alkaline water.

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For inquiries about  Kangen water, contact Tonie Martinez at 0916-3039291 and toniegm@yahoo.com or Virginia Natividad at 0927-5400417 or visit www.raecyclements.com. Prices of Kangen water machines start at P100 thousand. Installment terms are now available for buyers in the Philippines.

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