What do you appreciate most about life?

Sometimes, it’s the simplest things in life that make us smile the widest, make us appreciate the mere fact that we are alive.

To most people, it’s waking up every day beside their loved ones and spending time with them. It’s good for us to pause once in a while, look around, and give thanks for all the blessings we receive every single day.


BIR Commissioner Kim Jacinto Henares

I appreciate my family the most. Who I am — my principles, my character, my success — is influenced and is a result of what my family has inculcated in me. My sense of doing what is right and respect for others came about by the examples set by my parents and what they have taught me. My husband and in-laws are always there to boost my confidence and to encourage me to achieve more in life, and have greatly influenced me in my desire to serve my country. My family provides me the anchor to stay grounded, and is with me through everything. I appreciate the patience, encouragement and support they provide.


Nina Boiser, freelance stylist and retail manager

My son, Nicollo, is my greatest miracle. He reminds me every day that life is beautiful. That each day is a blessing from God. He is my universe and he is what I am grateful for in my life right now.


Peter Favila, former Trade and Industry secretary

Waking up every day with more opportunity to do better, to help, to honor, to celebrate and acknowledge all the good things that come my way.

Former Senator Nikki Coseteng, president and CEO, Diliman Preparatory School

1. My excellent health and excellent genes. I have lived long enough to see my children, Julian and Kimmy, meaningfully successful and happy, and I have my three lovely, lovable, intelligent, wonderful grandchildren (Renzo, Ryan and Dara) to enjoy.

2. My upbringing and heritage. These have given me the right attitude, determination, tenacity, creativity, passion, enthusiasm and perseverance to accept trials, heed challenges and enjoy the fruits of everything I have put my heart into.

3. Everyone who has made a difference in my life, with whom I have shared the most unforgettable experiences and those who have taught me how to make a difference in as many people’s lives.


Yoohoo Villanueva, businessman

What I appreciate most in my life are: my son (Franco) and daughter (Anita). Each in their own way, they remind me of Ying and how much she meant in our lives. I also try not to take for granted my family and friends, as well as good health and meaningful work.


Quirino Rep. Dax Cua

My true friends — whether they’re politicians or constituents, relatives or mga kababata (childhood friends) — even if we don’t keep in touch anymore. True friends are heaven-sent and are hard to come by. Because of them, my life has been manageable and meaningful!


Geli de Belen, actress

I appreciate waking up every day next to my husband and children knowing that I have been given another day to make the most of my life. I appreciate the fact that I have a husband who is confident enough to let me be who I am without conditions. I appreciate the privilege of having a job that I truly love.

Sanya Smith, model and manager of B-Side Bar

What I appreciate most about life is the fact that I have a home, food, clothes and friends and family who care about me and vice versa. We spend a lot of time worrying about other things and we forget that we’re so lucky to even have the things that really matter. We complain a lot when, really, there are people out there who would kill to be in our shoes — literally.

Frasco Mortiz, director, ABS-CBN’s Banana Split and Star Cinema’s upcoming actor for Cinco

I appreciate the fact that I have a career that I love. Being a director for film and television gives me the chance to touch people’s lives. I am also thankful for all the support of my family and friends who continue to believe in me and in what I can contribute to the entertainment industry.

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