CFM's 'Spirituality of Stewardship' book launched

MANILA, Philippines – The Christian Family Movement (CFM), the world pioneer of Catholic family organizations concerned with building homes, announces that its latest Family Evangelization Guidebook, Spirituality of Stewardship, Book l, is now available. This is greatly through the efforts of the committee Cchair, Jorge and Josie Santamaria.   

It is the first of a series of books on the way of life, the Spirituality of Stewardship. This means of evangelization is faithful to the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) ’s thrust of stewardship, consistent with the action plans of the Plenary Council of the Philippines II (PCP II) and driving home the CFM’s  2007 National Convention’s  theme of CFM Beyond 50: Stewardship In  Social Concerns and the theme of its forthcoming 2009 National Convention of CFM — Response CFMers, gathering like Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC), use Family Evangelization Guidebooks  in the unit meetings every two weeks. A unit is composed of five to seven families and represented in said meetings by the parents. All units are enjoined by the national board led by the president, Joe and Zeny Capistrano and the executive vice president, Roger and Naty Dayan to use the SOS book.

The members are always encouraged to share this gift of family evangelization guidebooks written by CFMers. Many  non-CFM  prayer groups, friends, relatives, parishioners and even strangers use these books. This SOS book is welcomed by those who wish to embrace the stewardship way of life. The basic characteristics of a good steward will then be made clear, grateful, accountable, generous and giving back to the Lord.

All will then move as one, observing, judging and acting to make a significant difference in our country and the world today.

The SOS book was launched at a Holy Mass celebrated by CFM’s national chaplain, Msgr. Manny Gabriel last May 16 at 3:30 p.m.

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