What's your idea of perfect happiness?

Sooner or later in life everyone discovers that perfect happiness is unrealizable, but there are few who pause to consider the antithesis: that perfect unhappiness is equally unattainable. — Primo Levi

We have different levels and ways of seeking happiness. We have different stories to tell about what makes us happy. Our reasons for happiness may be a promotion, the arrival of a newborn baby, winning an election, a brand-new Chanel bag, getting a new house or just by being with loved ones. But one thing is for sure, we all want to achieve perfect happiness in our lives. No one wants to become unhappy. After years of trying to get the perfect formula, I now know that our own happiness really depends on us — either we set a realistic expectation and avoid disappointment, or set a goal that will, although hard to reach, make us happy no matter what.

ANTONIO S. ABACAN JR.: chairman, Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company; vice chairman, Metrobank Group: My idea of perfect happiness is being able to do the things I love the most and being around the people I love. As a banker for 42 years, I have a very fulfilling career filled with opportunities and at the same time help a great number of people. I am blessed with a family that ceaselessly inspires me and gives me motivation and strength. I have a very supportive wife and children who care for each other and work harmoniously with one another.

Cristina CUEVAS, businesswoman: For me, happiness is being at peace with myself. One of the things that make me happy is to spend quality time with family and friends.

LIA ANDANAR YU, ANC news anchor: My idea of perfect happiness is when my heart, conscience, mind, spirit and body are relaxed, at peace, joyful and in total bliss. Like every bit of me is on Christmas holiday every day of the year. I’m perfectly happy when my family Harlan, Enrico, Maxine and I are enjoying a meal together with not a care in the world. It’s great to find happiness in the most simple of things, too. Reachable happiness each and every day is perfect!

ARIEL LOZADA, producer/director of fashion shows and events: Moments with family and friends define my happiness. A moment with Inno, Lesley, Patrick, Jojie, Dennis, Ivar, James, Gregory, Piotr and my creative team is a surefire bundle of enthusiasm, love, caring and laughter. It is with the energy of love within us that we find ourselves at peace. They inspire me positively to create good things.

SHEILA ROMERO, entrepreneur: Perfect happiness for me is having a complete and happy family life.  It is when my children are well, healthy and with a good disposition. Moreover, happiness is knowing that God is at the center of my marriage, constantly guiding us to get through life together.

TESSA DRAGON, L’Oreal corporate communications manager: It’s when I am not longing for anything more than what I already have. Being able to appreciate the simple things in life rather than the finer. No aspirations, but just having the feeling of sheer contentment. Perfect happiness for me is also being 10 years old in my CISV (Children’s International Summer Village) camp where fun was still so innocent, no bras and periods to think about and other life’s problems were unheard of.

THERESE CORONEL SANTOS, vice chair, Cinderella Marketing Corp.: My perfect happiness is spending my days with my grandchildren Mikaela and Matti, who never fail to put a smile on my face and make me laugh.

PAUL HENSON, producer, ABS-CBN News & Current Affairs, TV Patrol World: One of the books I read recently is about the pursuit of happiness: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. The author goes on a journey across Italy, India and Indonesia, and she discovers that these are the keys to perfect happiness: feeding the body, nourishing the soul, and nurturing the heart, and finding the right balance between the three. In short: food, faith, friendship. Isn’t this what happiness means for many of us? A comforting meal preferably shared with great company, a life lived with a sense of purpose, and time spent with people we love.

LIEZL MARTINEZ, actress: Perfect happiness would mean perfect health for me and my loved ones, my children doing well and achieving all their goals, my husband and I agreeing on everything, never being in need or want of anything and the only tears I shed would be of joy.

DSWD Secretary ESPERANZA I. CABRAL: I think there is no such thing as perfect happiness but something close enough is being healthy, having friends and family, living comfortably and having a cause bigger than yourself.

ANA ROCHA, interior designer, jeweler: When one walks in the will of the Lord, there can be no other result.

ROBERT SEñA, international stage actor: My idea of perfect happiness is not in this world, but it can also be experienced by loving, giving and forgiving. It’s not about having what you want but wanting what you have. And perfect happiness means having a cup of fresh coffee in the morning, facing the sunrise by the window, telling yourself that you are blessed to have perfect happiness!

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