Granting a wish

Last Sunday, Juliana and I were at the Activity Center of Glorietta 4 for the Make-A-Wish program sponsored by Gift Gate. I have long been aware of the existence of Make-A-Wish Foundation and I’ve always admired their vision – that of granting, to the best of their ability, the wishes of terminally ill children.

The first time I was tapped to join this year’s celebration, my initial reaction was to say no. Not because I did not believe it but because I have an aversion to acts of charity being made public. At the very least, I wanted to forgo the whole program and privately "borrow" Aizel Pardo, the wish kid who wanted to meet Juliana and me for one whole day. Aizel has acute myelogenous leukemia, is all of five years old, and has had one leg amputated.

Truth be told though, after I turned down the invitation I felt bad. I was bothered by the thought that maybe I was being selfish because, after all, this wasn’t about me. This was about a little girl who, in her dire condition, wished for nothing more than to see Juliana and me in person. The thought was humbling. Was there anything I could bring for her, a toy or a doll perhaps? Nothing, they said. All she wanted was to see us. How difficult can that be for me? At that point I felt even worse. Turning down an opportunity to make someone happy never seemed as unkind as it did at that moment.

I am thankful that, days after I said no, I received another letter from the same people asking me if I would possibly reconsider. The program that I was asked to join was part of an even bigger event. It was, in actuality, a whole series of activities spaced out over the weekend, activities that included a stay at the Peninsula Manila and Hyatt, merienda at Red Ribbon Bakeshop, and dinner at Cabalen. In between they had games, swimming, and a visit to the hotel shop where they were allowed to make some cookies, with assistance of course. And the highlight of it all was the granting of the kids’ wishes. Tita Virgie Ramos explained the whole scenario to me, giving me a view of the bigger picture.

and I were at the Swatch Boutique in Glorietta by 4 p.m. and were ushered into an area that was curtained off in the store where other celebrities were waiting. Martin Nievera, who is one of the nicest and warmest persons showbiz has ever known, was already there. He was hosting the affair together with Tessa Prieto-Valdes who is the personification of everything light, happy and bubbly. In her Hello Kitty gown complete with fairy dust, wig, and angel wings, she was a little child’s dream. Thanks to her, my daughter is convinced that up to this day toy dolls come alive at certain times of the week. And I’m pretty sure she is not alone in that belief.

Aiza Seguerra
was waiting for her turn together with Benjie Paras. Moments later in walked Judy Ann Santos who was nursing a cold. Now here is one star who, industry insiders say, is sincerely nice, talented and incredibly hardworking. I definitely agree, especially with the nice part. Not only did she have a bad cold, she was actually nursing a fever but she still went out of her way to make a child’s wish come true. Before Juliana and I were called to wait backstage to greet Aizel (incidentally celebrating her 5th birthday that day), I was able to catch Jolina Magdangal (accompanied by her dad) and a sleepy Diether Ocampo walk in. The program opened with Ate Glow who was bedecked in full terno. After some spiels and a few dance steps, the show was on a roll. And needless to say Ate Glow left the audience in stitches.

Before long, Juliana and I were called out. At first glance Aizel had none of the sad disposition I had expected to see, given her condition. Instead, what I saw was a very pretty, smiling little girl sitting in a wheelchair in the middle of the stage. She seemed so fragile, dwarfed by the stage and the crowd. But what she lacked in size she definitely made up in spirit. As soon as the curtains parted, she waved at Juliana and me with bright eyes and a smile that was nothing short of sunshine. Juliana, shy as she is in public, hardly said a word. All she could do was stare at Aizel and touch her hand. A few minutes later, a huge Hello Kitty birthday cake was wheeled in for both Aizel and Juliana to blow. Incidentally, their birthdays are just a few weeks apart.

In just one afternoon, nine kids were granted what their little hearts desired. Aside from Aizel, there was Joella Mae Samonte who wanted to meet Aiza Seguerra. Anne Mariel Sarmiento, Redentor Roldan, and Janor Abana all asked for cell phones in addition to meeting their idols Jolina Magdangal, Benjie Paras, and Dolphy, respectively. Judy Ann Tenorio wanted a VCD component while Ariane de los Reyes wanted to meet Judy Ann Santos and have a computer as well. Marvin Tria was presented with a blue bike by Diether Ocampo, and Jerrick de Guzman was given a computer in addition to meeting, again, Aiza Seguerra.

All this was made possible because of the partnership of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Gift Gate. Just as Tita Virgie Ramos is blessed, so is she being used by God to be a blessing to so many little ones. In an earlier conversation, she said that her active participation started with a little boy who wanted to see and meet Martin Nievera. After that initial foray, there was no looking back.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a worldwide organization but its foreign counterparts are, according to Tita Virgie, amazed at the sheer number of volunteers the Philippine delegation has. Practically no one is paid to do what they do. Those I saw roaming around in uniform blue shirts and denims were all volunteers.

It is heartwarming to see sincere collaboration aimed at giving others pure, unadulterated joy. It was an event best appreciated in the eyes of a child. We adults are often world-weary, no longer thankful for simple joys like balloons, laughter, and beautiful songs. I remember when, as a child, it was heaven for me to enter Gift Gate whenever we would come to Manila and I could have my fill of My Melody and Hello Kitty odds and ends.

Now, as an adult it is wonderful to know that Gift Gate has lived up to its name. We may have outgrown our Sanrios but Gift Gate has countless of times given to little ones more than just material gifts, it has brought about the gift of warm hearts and happy smiles.

Seeing all these little children with serious health conditions gives you an opportunity to reassess your situation in life. We complain about petty things like traffic, bickering politicians, the dire economy, slow service and bad food – yet these kids still have something to smile about. It makes one realize once again that happiness is always relative. Be grateful to be where you are in your life right now. It is a gift to be in a position where you can be a blessing to those you meet along life’s way. Don’t let go of that chance – sometimes, it can start with just one smile.

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