What do you enjoy doing on a rainy day?

Rainy days don’t always have to get you down. Some people do like it when it rains and despite the horrendous traffic and having to wade through knee-deep waters in the heart of the city, a few inventive and creative souls have devised ways to entertain themselves while the thundershowers drown the metropolis.

With this in mind, philstar.com together with Pulp Magazine came up with a contest that unleashed the inventiveness of those who choose to see the rain in a positive light. Readers were invited to send short essays (maximum of 2,000 characters) and tell us what their favorite rainy day activity is. The following are some of the winning entries:

My kids and I make paper boats and watch whose boat can sail and stay afloat the longest. The winner gets a big kiss from everyone. Anna Marie Guilatco

When it rains, I usually look at the water beads at the window and guessing which one will roll down first. If two beads roll down I try to guess which will reach the bottom first. Podge Dimagiba

My favorite pastime during the rainy season is cuddling up with my kids in our big bed, together with all of their favorite stuffed toys. We cook instant noodles and make some juice. We then watch our family videos – videos we shot when they were still babies up to the present. – Lourdes Manalang

I enjoy eating melted cheese as palaman for toasted pandesal straight from the pugon. Raemond Andre S. Alvero

In times like these, you will find me making crafts from recycled paper. I’m also into writing about anything and nothing. Cherry Anne Tesorero

Best things to do during the raining season are: watching movies at home while eating pizza; spending some quality time with your family at home; making love to your sweetheart; cuddling and playing your kids; playing games with your family; cooking your favorite food like sinigang and lugaw; staying close on the couch with your sweetheart and kids; challenging your son to a computer game; playing house with your little daughter. Charlie T. Uy

I’m one of those "odd" people who love rain. I would take a hot shower, put on my most comfortable Ally McBeal pajamas. I would then go to the kitchen, take out my ever-ready champorado mix, put bits of pandesal and voila! I would choose a book, find a good spot while eating. Chalor

We play mahjong and pusoy. We don‚t bet with money. The one who loses would be made to drink a lot of water and not be allowed to pee for some time! We call this the patibayan ng pantog game. Sheila Mai D. Villanueva

I get revitalized by looking at the dozens of albums containing pictures of me with my family and friends that I brought from the province. I love to look at them especially during rainy days. It may be quite an unusual thing for a guy to be sentimental about things. But I get a lot of motivation and inspiration just by looking at those pictures. Albert Arrubio
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The lucky winners will receive Little Caesar’s Pizza Pizza and Pulp Magazines from philstar.com and YS Online.

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