The Gift

Let me tell you about a gift. She came into this world at 6:10 p.m. on September 8, 2000 and the very first time I laid eyes on her I knew my life would never be quite the same again.

Juliana Ma. Beatrice is her name (Juliana after her maternal grandma, Maria because she was born on Mama Mary’s birthday, and Beatrice which, according to the book, means bearer of happiness and blessings. Yana is her nickname. We wanted her from the moment we got married but God made us wait a year and seven months before she was conceived in Hong Kong. Prior to that, Richard and I fervently prayed for a child and as we awaited this blessing, He threw in everyday angels who encouraged us to keep the faith.

One such angel was Rod Nepomuceno, one of Richard’s friends, who gave me a prayer to the Bambino de Aracoeli, who I think is the patron saint for those who want a child. He told me that a foreigner priest had given it to him in the hope that it would get to Richard and me. How did the priest know we wanted a child?

It happened one rainy day when Richard, on his way home, chanced upon that priest who was waiting for a ride. He asked the driver to pull over and offered to take him wherever he was headed. They chatted along the way, exchanged names, and said their goodbyes.

According to Rod, the foreigner priest, over dinner with his colleagues that night, happened to mention that a young man by the name of Richard Gomez was nice enough to offer him a ride home in the strong rain.The others thought he was just joking as one of them got a magazine that had Richard’s picture in it. He said that indeed it was him. Only then did he find out who Richard was – an actor, newly married and eagerly waiting for his first child.

That same night after Rod gave me the prayer, Richard and I started religiously saying the prayer together so much so that even if Richard were away we would pray over the phone and true enough, I got pregnant shortly after.

My husband is very bad with names and he can no longer remember who that priest was but every so often, we say a prayer for him in gratitude for being instrumental in bringing us closer to the fulfillment of our wish to have a child. On my part, I still hope one day I will be given a chance to meet him.

Motherhood really is a miracle and a child, is a gift that keeps on giving. Juliana has brought even more joy into my life and has taught me so much about living and loving.

One day Juliana will be old enough to read this and when that happens I want her to understand how thankful I am for having her in my life. God’s timing is impeccable, as always. She came at a time when my dad had to go through surgery and an uncle of mine passed away. At that point, the family could not afford another depressed person so I had no time to wallow in post-partum blues. Shortly after, we found out my mom had to go through surgery, too. I honestly felt there was too much to handle at too short a time – was there no space to breathe?

You, Juliana, were the sunshine behind every sad moment. Your Lolo Manoling’s recovery was hastened because you were his first apo and together, every morning, you would take in your share of the early morning sun with him. Your Lola Julie, while recuperating from her own surgery in the hospital, looked forward to your visits when she would proudly show you off to all her nurses. At home, you were the only one who provided genuine comic relief and pure joy to all around you. Laughter truly is the best medicine.

Do they spoil you? You bet they do. One bite of a particular food or fruit you like and your lolo hurries off to the nearest grocery to get you enough to last two weeks. He decided to buy you shoes (long before you started walking!) and came home with six pairs, three styles in two sizes each. "Just to be sure," he would always say. He excitedly bought you your first play pen, your first few pajamas and when he feels that you don’t have enough of an appetite, he asks your Lola Julie to bring the statue of Padre Pio for you to touch and kiss. Pronto! On your next meal you are eating with much gusto.

In your first two months, I used to employ all sorts of techniques just to put you to sleep. Once it had to be Martin Nievera’s album or Ogie Alcasid’s. When both no longer had a lulling effect on you, I would either have to sing happy birthday (I don’t know why you like that) or dance my feet off while carrying you in my arms. It would take your Lola Julie but a few minutes to rock you gently to sleep. Whenever they are home in the province, they call you and they’re happy enough to hear you call them Yoyo Maning and Yoya Juyie.

Having you has made me appreciate a hundred times the kind of parents that they are to your Tita Caren, Tito Matt, Tito Jules and me. Children are always a reflection of their parents and all that I am and all that I will be, I have my parents to thank. As you grow up, your daddy and I will do our best to provide you with the best life you can possibly have. On my part, I have kept as jewels in my mind and heart the ways upon which we were brought up and I will take each jewel to pass on to you as the need arises.

Do you know that your daddy is hopelessly devoted to you? As a newborn, I was too scared to handle you but you would recline comfortably on either his left or right hand as he lovingly gave you your first few baths at home. He cannot seem to touch and kiss you enough and up to this day he whispers something in your ear as you sleep. I knew he would be an involved father but I didn’t anticipate that he would be this hands-on. He has no qualms about changing your diapers, washing you, or getting up in the middle of the night to get milk for you.

Your existence only reaffirms what I’ve always known – that your daddy is (and will continue to be) a good father and I learn to love him more and more for the person that he is. When it comes to you, he’s never too busy or too in a hurry to actually stop and give you some TLC. He, all six-foot-one-inch of his muscular frame, is putty in your hands. When you’re too naughty and he has to pretend to be stern with you, you look at him with eyes that are exactly like his and flutter your lashes and all he can do is give you a bear hug and say, "Hay naku, you’re such a flirt."

I always tease him no end about the day when you will have your first kiss or first love. The thought alone reduces him to near tears.

If we were crazy about you when you were tiny, we are doubly so now that you’re a bit bigger! How you make us laugh with your antics! Do you know that you took your first step at eight months and that your first word was pao (for flower)? You love watching TV commercials, sometimes beating the lead characters to their punchline, and videos of Snow White, Anastasia, Joseph, Cinderella and Little Mermaid. One time, your Snow White video broke and I had to use a pirated version that was given to you as a gift. How you cried when Snow White started speaking and singing in Chinese! "Di mayunong (hindi marunong) Snow White," you cried.

One time, you were painting your nails bright red while I was having a massage with manoy Nicholas who happens to be blind. You started out by hiding his bottle of massage oil and I woke up to find him on his knees slowly feeling the floor with arms outstretched in search of the bottle. I almost fell off the bed laughing when I saw your little fingers wrapped protectively around it. Then in an effort to make friends you stuck out your fingers before his face to show off your red nails. You were furious because he wasn’t complimenting you and I tried my best to explain that he couldn’t see. You kind of understood, or so I thought, until you started pleading with him to borrow his shades. "Pleeeaase, buyyow (please borrow)" you said with your little hands cupped and I surmised that you probably thought he would be able to see your red nails without the glasses on!

Every little thing you do is such a joy and I bask in the pleasure of experiencing the moment with you. We were in bed lying on our stomach three days ago when your daddy came home from fencing and as he walked in the door you beat me to it and called out "Hi, honey!" You sometimes run around like a little boy but you are also kikay in your own way and you love my lipsticks. There was a time that you would even throw a tantrum when your yaya Lita refused to allow you to put on lipstick after every bath. You also have a penchant for shoes–you are forever sticking your feet in either daddy’s shoes or mine! I have photos of you in boots, stilettos, rubber shoes, and flip-flops.

You would go with your daddy to jog in Ultra and one time you just went running on and on for two rounds in the oval. Are you for real? I can barely even complete one round!

You love dancing and when you’re really excited you say, "Hapi no hooway!" (your shortcut for "When you’re happy and you know it shout hooray"). You likewise love singing and it is a must that you are sung to sleep every night. Music can either be from one of your favorite videos, my singing, or your daddy’s. If it’s your daddy, you demand more and he has to accompany it with a guitar. So far your most requested song is Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang.

You look forward to watching your daddy on TV every night. At around 4 you already say, "Watch Iibigin Ikaw" and the first time you saw your daddy get beaten up on TV you cried because "wawa Daddy, wawa Waldo"(Waldo is the name of Richard’s character in the soap Ang Iibigin Ay Ikaw).

On several occasions you have also made me want to disappear out of sheer embarrassment. Once on the plane you saw a lady, (probably in her sixties) in a tight black miniskirt, red lipstick and very long, curly hair. You scrambled away from me to approach her and with glee you said "Ikaw ongo!" (ikaw multo). I almost fainted. Lucky for me she didn’t seem to understand and even said you were adorable.

Yesterday we were at Price Smart and you must have been so hungry because even after two bottles of milk you walked to a lady eating a hotdog sandwich and with sad eyes and outstretched, cupped hands, you looked at her pleadingly and said, "Give me." Your yaya Lita was so embarrassed she hid behind my back!

I love it when, after a long day, I see in your face happiness just because I am home and you drop whatever you are doing to give me a hug and say, "Hanap mommy" (which means "I was looking for you mom"). It also thrills me no end when either your daddy or I ask you, "Do you love me?" and you always answer with a long "Yyyyeeeessss." "How much?" we ask again and to this you would say with confidence "Two!" We’re happy enough because we know that in your mind, two is the biggest number there is.

I have never felt slighted (I never will) when as soon as daddy comes home you "drop me" and bloom under his attention. I cherish the bond that you have and am ever thankful that you both are the way you are with each other.

I thank you for being so full of love and positive energy, for consequently making me and your dad better individuals in addition to bringing us even closer as a couple. He is my best friend and we are yours. Because of you, we mark time differently and again we have rediscovered the beauty of things that we somehow took for granted because they were so constant. More than ever, I have now realized that everything is best appreciated through the eyes of a child.

I dread the day when you come home from school with tears in your eyes because someone has bullied you or some boy has broken your heart. Should this happen, your daddy and I will always be behind you. We hope that as we constantly lift your future up to God and love you the best way we know how, you will be nourished as you journey through life with all its frustrations and blows.

Walk in faith and be confident that He walks with you and loves you with a perfect love that even your daddy and I cannot equal. Follow your heart and be the best you can be.

Dougs came back from the States with an Anne Geddes doll that you hug as you sleep. The first time you saw her you called her baby sister but now she is fondly named Stephanie and in His time, your daddy and I pray that we will be blessed with a real playmate for you.

Happy Birthday, Juliana. You’re two years old today and you have a wealth of opportunities before you. Live and love well. And remember all the time that there is nothing you can do that will make your daddy and I love you less–or more – than we already do. It matters not if you’re 2 or 22; in our hearts you will always be our sweet baby.

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