Johnnie Walker fetes Tower Club members

"Not in time, place or circumstance, but in the man lies success."– Charles Rouce
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Johnnie Walker Black Label, considered the Savoy and Everest among whiskies, recently feted eminent members of the Tower Club. The affair featured an exquisite dinner and whisky-tasting at the sleek and modern Philamlife Tower.

Located at the Philamlife Tower’s luxe 33rd and 34th floors, The Tower Club is the fulfilled vision of Jose "Joey" Cuisia Jr., former Central Bank governor and currently president and CEO of Philippine American Life Insurance Company. The Club was conceived to cater to the country’s eminent captains of industry.

The Club is managed by CCA International led by its chairman, Dieter Klostermann, the group behind the world’s most exclusive private business and country clubs. CCA is renowned for their impeccable standards.

The Tower Club is strictly a by-invitation-only club; only the country’s most esteemed industry figures are invited to join its exclusive power circle. It is affiliated with over 200 prestigious clubs worldwide.

Johnnie Walker Black Label’s elegant tribute is in line with its global pitch feting formidable industry titans who embody the whisky’s theme of upward mobility in its "Keep Walking" tag.

Some 40 distinguished guests were led by Nono Ibazeta, president, A. Soriano Group; Ditos Carballo, SVP, Negros Navigation; Christian Monsod, chief strategist, Lopez Group of Companies; Jake Almeda Lopez, vice chair, ABS-CBN; EJ Litton, president, Ultimate Dining; Noel Oñate, chairman, Asian Spirit; Charles Zani, chairman, Zani Group of Companies. On hand to receive the guests were Soeren Hansen, the Tower Club’s tall, sartorial GM and Cyndy Tan-Jarabata, the svelte and gorgeous membership director.

Your columnist hosted the recent Johnnie Walker Black Label Journey of Taste Mentor Dinner. It was a successful collaboration between HLB’s Abel Dolatre; MS2 Marketing’s suave president, Mike O‘Connor, who was joined by his wife Marilyn; and Jones Habon and Asta Henriksen. Brand Ambassador Alan Charles Atkins led the venerable gathering through a virtual Scottish tour, explaining the distinct elements behind the incomparable taste of the Johnnie Walker Black Label.

To the gentlemen and ladies of the Tower Club, may I say that this is a tribute that is much deserved. To HLB’s Abel and MS2’s Mike and Marilyn, as usual, well done! Congratulations!
Azzurro’s successful TapAZ Nights
Azzurro Bistro and Wine Bar recently drew celebrities and the most beautiful faces during the launch of its sensational TapAZ Nights. A nightly event, TapAZ Nights is a feast of the best Andalusian tapas or pica-picas, all of which were instant hits among the chic and hip crowd.

Sheila Romero
, Azzurro’s gorgeous chairman/CEO, chief finance officer Cory Untalan, and Chef Patron Philip John Golding welcomed modish scenesters like one of the country’s most beautiful faces, Wendy Puyat; interior designer Sophia Ojeda; Cher Calvin; MEGA’s Sari Yap; Candy Medina; Malon Araneta; Destiny’s Barbi Puzon; Pepper Teehankee; Philip Cu-Unjieng; Katrina Tuazon; supermodels Baba Parma and Eazel Don.

Also there was the man behind many of the Metro’s best parties, EJ Litton himself, with Allan and his wife Cathy; Martin and Christine. Spotted grooving to the DJ’s music were Brian Medina; Azzurro director Freddie Bermudez with Bubbles and Tricia Ramirez; Les Romero; Noel Untalan; Raji Mata; Franco Limjuco; and Marvin Agustin.

San Mig Lite, Vodka Ice, Vodka Cruiser, Blavod, Philippine Wine Merchants, Freixeinet and Remy Silver were the event’s sponsors. Smooth Joey 92.3 covered the exciting affair.

Without question, the TapAZ Nights launch established Azzurro’s reputation as the spot to sample the best French, Italian, Spanish and Greek dishes, and as being the hip crowd’s venue of choice.

Congratulations, Sheila, for Azzurro’s successful launch of TapAZ Nights, and for the steady climb of this dining venue to the number one spot.
Happy birthday to our celebrators today: Hyland Realty’s Rafael "Paing" Hechanova, Andrew de los Reyes and Alfonso Reyno Jr.

Advanced birthday greetings to Edward Go and FCCP’s Cristina Ablaza, July 9; Cita Yang and Cristina Bernasconi, July 10; Ria Rebano and Trina Yujuico, July 12; ABS-CBN president Freddie Garcia, Villa Escudero’s Don Ado Escudero and Babbit Goudsmith, July 13; Menchu de las Alas Concepcion and Karen Santiago Montenegro, July 14; and Rida Montemar, July 15.

Happy wedding anniversary to Oli and Emma Laperal. May you both have many, many years of wedded bliss.

So, how was your week?

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