Anne Curtis embarks on more exciting adventures

Samsonite Philippines Inc. country manager Ciely Buenviaje, SSI Group, Inc.  president Anton T. Huang, American Tourister endorser Anne Curtis and Viva Artists Agency president and COO Veronique Corpus

MANILA, Philippines - “It’s great to be spending another year with American Tourister, a brand that I trust,” enthused Anne Curtis, who, for the second year, is renewing her ties with global luggage giant American Tourister. Founded by American immigrant Sol Koffler in Providence, Rhode Island in 1932, American Tourister packs a long-standing history with the Americans’ passion for travel. Known for creating tough, enduring, and conveniently light luggage that withstand distance, frequent use, and lifestyle shifts, all coming with a worry-free global warrantee, American Tourister proved successful over the decades that the brand is now found in 30 countries worldwide, with the Philippines being one of its newest homes.  


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