World's oldest golden retriever defies science for living 140 dog years

The world's oldest known golden retriever, August
GoldHeart Golden Retrievers Rescue via Facebook

MANILA, Philippines — A golden retriever in the United States stands as the oldest living golden retriever on record at a remarkable 20-years-old, or 140 in the informal canine equivalent age (dog years).

August, affectionately called “Augie,” is quite the outlier since dogs of her popular breed usually only live up to 12 years, according to the American Kennel Club.


“There are many accounts of 17 or 18-year-old goldens, and even a few stories about 19-year-old goldens, but Augie is the first golden retriever to ever reach the big two-oh," wrote dog blog Golden Hearts, which ran her touching story.

Augie was born back on April 24, 2000, and was finally adopted by fur parents Jennifer and Steve from the Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Nevada at the fighting age of 14.

Her good health is attributed to regular exercise, quality dog food, supplements for her kidneys and joints and veterinary care.

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