Malibu shares sweet secrets about Carmela Villegas

Meet Carmela Villegas, the warm-hearted, beautiful and creative force behind Casa San Luis Pastries. Everything about her is sugar and spice and everything nice!

Keeping busy with product development for her baking business and planning her upcoming wedding in Provence to fiancé and business partner Julien Agosta, she has also recently taken on sharing her delicious life online through her blog, 

Although growing up originally afraid of dogs, she quickly overcame her fear when her sister got one who turned out to be so friendly she was converted. However, it wasn’t a conscious or planned decision to adopt her half-Chow, half-Retriever mixed-breed Malibu.

“I moved back to the Philippines in 2011 and bought Malibu on an impulse,” shares Carmela. “I didn’t really think about buying a dog because we had two already in my mom’s place. She was just the cutest little puppy. She’s a mutt, a half-Chow and half-Retriever that I found in Divisoria. People were telling me to be careful because she wasn’t a pure breed but she’s the kindest, most well-behaved dog. She’s always happy to see us.”

When asked about her dog’s name she explains, “We actually had a hard time naming her. One day I said, ‘Why don’t we just call her Malibu?’ And it stuck.”

People who know Carmela well know that Malibu is actually her favorite drink! And those who know this little family well will know that Malibu goes more often than not by the adorable moniker Bu-bu.

MALIBU: Hi! I’m Malibu Villegas-Agosta and I’m three years old. I’m a mixed breed but I secretly think I’m a human baby.

KALOO: Describe yourself in three words. 

Athletic, playful, lizard hunter.

Describe your relationship with your humans. What do you guys like to do together? How do you get to spend time with each other? 

My humans love to spoil me because I love them very much.  They take me on four walks per day, take me to visit their friends when they have parties, they also love taking me out of town. I don’t really like the beach much, though, because sand gets in my eyes and nose.

Are you closer to one human more than the other?

My daddy and I like to chase around the house and play outdoors. I like to go to my mommy when I want a hug and to be petted. I secretly like to keep my mommy company more but promise not to tell my daddy!

Name one time you got into major trouble and how you got out of it.

I stole leftover chicken from the trash. I just gave my parents my innocent look and showered them with kisses. 

What’s a typical day like for you?

I wake up when my daddy’s alarm rings. I’m happy when I hear his alarm because this means I can take his place on the bed beside my mommy.

My mommy will take me for a walk around the village in the morning, then it’s breakfast. 

If I’m good, I get a bowl of milk with my food.

Then I find a spot in front of the electric fan and sleep.

I’ll climb on this chair that’s in front of the window to watch the humans, cars, other dogs that pass, and those pesky cats that hang out around our garden.

I’ll go on my second walk around lunchtime and another one in the afternoon. 

When it’s dark outside, I wait by the window because that’s when my daddy comes home. Which means dinner is soon and we take night walks all together.

What are your fave hobbies?

I love to chase lizards. I am obsessed!

Your mom makes the yummiest pastries! Doesn’t the smell of baked goodies drive you crazy? Do you get to eat some yummy stuff? How about special doggie cookies?

She bakes a lot. She’s made me peanut butter doggy treats and cheese biscuits. But I prefer it when my daddy cooks because he always gives me meat or fish behind my mom’s back.

She also likes to do crafts and make things by hand. Has she made you anything special in particular?

She’s made me ribbons to wear but honestly, I don’t really like them because they’re itchy. 

Your favorite place to hang in the afternoon?

I love our sofas and lying down under the dinning table.

Your fave food? And if you could have anything in the world, even “forbidden” stuff, what would be your ultimate meal?

My favorite meal is salmon! I prefer it to meat. But if I could I’d eat tissue paper. 

Describe your dream vacation and where it would be.

I would love to be in the forest because I can run and play hide-and-seek every day. 

What would be your ultimate happy moment?

Weekend mornings when we all snuggle in bed. 

Also please share five secret things about your humans that only you would know.

They love to dance around the house. They enjoy breakfast in bed, which means special treats for me always.

My dad spoils me more than my mom.

They’ve decided to put me on this raw diet and I actually love it.

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