Help for cerebral palsy

What is cerebral palsy?  According to Wikipedia it is “a general term for a group of permanent, non-progressive movement disorders that cause physical disability, mainly in the areas of body movement. There may also be problems with sensation, depth perception, and communication ability. Difficulty with cognition and epilepsy are found in about one-third of cases. There are subtypes including a type characterized by spasticity, a type characterized by poor coordination, and types which feature both symptoms or neither.”

What would you do if your child has cerebral palsy?  That’s a tough question.  All I know is I have experienced all manner of grief in this life but every day I thank God that none of my children were born with a physical affliction.

Dr. Ferdinand Bacit is a Batangas radiologist. He also sells Stem Enhance.  I did not know he had a four-year-old daughter with cerebral palsy until he and his wife spoke about it at the last meeting. When she was a baby, it wasn’t too noticeable but as she grew older they noticed she had difficulty holding her bottle. So they brought her to doctors who told them that their little girl had cerebral palsy.

Of course they shed tears. They did everything required of them. They hired all the required therapists to assist their child. One was a speech therapist. Another was a physical therapist. They came every week to help the little girl.

One day Dr. Bacit told his wife to give their daughter Stem Enhance.  He told her to empty one capsule’s contents into every bottle of milk the toddler would take. Mrs. Bacit remembers that after two weeks the speech therapist asked her if she had been giving additional speech classes to her daughter. No, the mother said. Well, the speech therapist said, I’m surprised because she can now say yes and wow. 

And now, Mrs. Bacit proudly told me, she tells stories. Every night before she goes to bed she tells me how she spent her day. She talks a lot and she talks clearly.  We owe that to Stem Enhance, which she has been taking for more than a year.  Her only remaining problem is she cannot seem to walk the way other children do but we are working on that.

Do you still give her Stem Enhance?  I asked.  Yes, was the reply. She likes it.  She refuses to drink her milk if it doesn’t have Stem Enhance in it. I guess the flavor changes.

Their story moved me. Imagine! One day you weep because your child has cerebral palsy, a terrible disease. Then after almost a year you stand telling someone that she can now tell stories every night.

Ah and her physical therapist also after just a few weeks called me excitedly because my Joanna could open her hand.  See one of her hands was paralyzed and she could not move it.  After a few weeks she could move it.  Today it’s a normal hand, Mrs. Bacit says. 

These are the stories I cannot prevent myself from writing because they are so full of meaning to me.  It makes me think back to a few people who came to buy Stem Enhance from me because they have Parkinson’s Disease. They bought a bottle but did not return. A bottle will not do much.  Stem Enhance is not a miracle food supplement but it works over time.  All it does is it makes your body produce more stem cells, which proceed to fix or replace “broken” cells you have in your body.  It takes time to do that well.

If you have cerebral palsy or Parkinson’s Disease or Alzheimer’s Disease, it means your “broken” cells are in your brain. Stem Enhance replaces them but you need to give it time.

To write this column I went to Google Chrome to look for a definition of cerebral palsy and came across this quote from the Wu Medical Center: 

“No matter what caused cerebral palsy, there is a decrease in the number of brain nerve cells with normal function. The traditional treatments are not able to increase the number of nerve cells in the brain, neither to have the nerve damage repaired.

“Through years of research and therapeutic practice, WSCMC discovered that neural stem cell implantation treatment not only can effectively increase the number of brain nerve cells, but also is able to start the re-development of the neurological process. The treatments are combined with the necessary drugs and rehabilitation, so that 80 percent transplanted neural cells are able to show function, so as to make the patients obtain much more improvements in neurological function.”

But I am sure it will take a few million to get their stem cell treatment.  Or you can buy Stem Enhance and invest time and get the same results.

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