Doctors’ experiences

First I would like to say that I am not writing this column to advertise something that I sell even if I do sell it. I am writing this column because I went to a meeting and was impressed by the testimony of two doctors and the uncle of a patient.  Their stories were outstanding. I thought they should be shared. If you want to buy Stem Enhance you don’t have to buy it from me. You can buy it from anyone who sells it. It is not sold in drugstores. It is sold by business partners of StemTech, which manufactures it. I am only one of them. I became a business partner because the product impressed me so much I wrote about it referring people to the person from whom I had bought it. He couldn’t handle the response so I helped him. That’s the way I got recruited.  But I stayed recruited because it really is something almost magical.

 Why did I begin my column this way? Because someone in government has accused me of advertising something that I sell. So I am making it perfectly clear that I am not advertising but I am sharing stories I heard with my readers because the stories impressed me.

 On the last week of every month StemTech holds a meeting for their Business Partners. They do citations there and invite people to talk about their experience with StemEnhance. StemEnhance is a natural food supplement taken from algae that grows in Lake Namath, Oregon, made into capsules and exported all over the world. I took it six years after my stroke and found first a renewal of energy and with continued use a return to my pre-stroke personality. Those are its effects on me and I have shared them with very many people.

 At the last meeting there were two doctors, Dr. Nick Vargas from Bacolod and Dr. Fernando Valeroso who, I think, is from the Pangasinan area. They spoke about their experiences with StemEnhance.  

 Dr. Nick Vargas said he tried it first. He was diabetic. In a few months his blood sugar normalized and he began to feel well. Now he recommends it to his patients who show immediate results in a few months.

 Dr. Fernando Valeroso was trained by a Russian medical school in St. Petersburg. He also spoke about the effects of StemEnhance on many of his patients. But the most touching story was the one told by Reynaldo Ilumin.

 One day Dr. Valeroso tried to recruit Reynaldo Ilumin as a business partner.  Ilumin said he would think about it. But within the week his niece got into a bad accident that slammed half of her face against a stone wall. He said it had gotten so swollen and hard, like a balloon and the doctors were saying they would have to operate and it would cost something like P180,000. Ilumin said they could not afford that.

 Then he remembered talking to Dr. Valeroso and decided to try StemEnhance on his niece. First while she was in the hospital they snuck her three capsules thrice a day. He said the pain quickly went away and the swelling soon subsided. She was moved from the ICU to a room. They kept giving her the food supplements and noticed continued improvement. After a week they asked to take her home.  In two weeks she returned to normal. Ilumin was so impressed.

 All right, he said, it was expensive. StemEnhance is not an inexpensive food supplement.  We would have consumed three bottles in a month. At P3,525 per bottle that would mean P10,575 per month. How does that compare with the P180,000 cost of the operation?  It is .06 percent not even 1 percent of the cost. And that is only the cost of the operation. What about the cost of the hospital room? The other medicines? Ilumin, who sat next to me, said it took his niece three weeks to get well. Her face is no longer like a balloon. It is soft and she is going back to school.

 I write at large about Ilumin’s experience because we sat next to each other and I could converse with him. He told me he had read my column on StemEnhance and thanked me for writing it. He said I did not look like I once had a stroke. I know he was telling the truth because now I feel so well. Of course I have been taking StemEnhance for four years. It is not a miracle anything but if you take it continuously you will realize that this is a good nutritional supplement that really repairs your body. Once I thought I would be dead at 69 but now I feel so healthy I am starting a whole new life.

So I write this to share the wondrous stories I heard, to share with you what other people think about this product because I heard the stories and found them worthy of re-telling.

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